Monday, December 2, 2013

5 weeks!!

Playing with Eggie the Eggplant (Ruthie was ready for a nap, though:)...Can you tell?)

Sleep face of the week!
Isn't this cute?

My God is so great, so strong, and so mighty...
Talented singer even while sleeping!
Reading about Thanksgiving with Daddy (and Mommy, too!)
Not too interested at the moment, though:)
We had just finished watching "The Polar Express" as a family (Thanksgiving tradition to watch a Christmas movie), and Ruthie fell asleep during it...all snuggled up next to Daddy.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Cutest little turkey!
Ruthie's 1st road trip to see Grandma and Grandpa Cully!!
Where's Ruthie?
Opening Christmas presents for the first time!
A new barn set with LOTS of animals!

Yay for books!!

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