How's momma feeling: Still doing great! A bit tired this week, but I think that's just from not getting as much sleep; I know it's important to get plenty of sleep, but our schedule has to be flexible to work around Tom's rotations. His next rotation won't be as early/late as the one he is currently on. Hopefully, I can sleep in a bit on Saturday/Sunday! Appetite has gone down a bit; still no major swelling. Sometimes, if I'm on my feet all day day, they start to get a little puffy at the end of the day.
Size of baby: Our appointment this week went well (quick and short). Our little one is still head down and has moved down a bit. She seemed to have flip flopped sides (usually on my right side but that day on my left), and I think she might go back and forth at her pleasure. She's still a active!! She's about 6.5 pounds and maybe about 21 inches long. Her heart rate was in the 130's, and I was measuring 36 cm.
Cravings: Not much...I am still interested in what other people are eating. I walked by a parked car the other day. The people were sitting inside with a door open, and I could see a "to-go" box. I so badly wanted to stop and ask what they had in weird, but it's just what comes to mind!!
Aversions: I made a potato bacon dish and haven't touched it (good thing Tom likes it). In theory, I just don't think I want it; doesn't sound good. Maybe I'll try it this weekend.
Sleep: I am so thankful I am still sleeping well! Occasionally I will have to get up to go to the bathroom once a night, but it's not consistently. I sleep soundly and comfortably. I usually wake up a few times, but it's nothing that keeps me up.
Clothes: I pulled out a few of my fall and "bigger" clothes this week. It's been pretty cold in the mornings but warms up pretty quickly. I love fall weather! I also found a pair of comfy shoes!!! YAY! (see picture above) I wore them almost every day this week!
Exercise: Still able to do "Rockin' Body" (workout DVD's) and the gym! I wasn't able to make it to Zumba this week nor will I be able to next week. That's ok...I still just have to keep moving and strengthening! We're so close!
Looking forward to: Seeing one of my friends from PA tonight. She's coming up, and we're going to have some girl time! We also have a tea and scone date certificate we need to use up, so it will be a fun evening!
Something fun: The baby shower the church threw for us was absolutely WONDERFUL! What a blessing! We played some fun games (guess my belly measurement with yarn {a 9 year old won:)}; name that song/artist {songs with baby or baby in them}, and name the candy bar that is associated with certain pregnancy/birthing terms {ex: epidural --- life saver}. The food was so yummy...fruit, veggies, lemon bars, scotheroos, a BEAUTIFUL cake (made by one of the teens from our church and her mom), sausage pinwheels, and so much more! And the fellowship was wonderful, and the gifts were just precious! We have such CREATIVE ladies in our church. I just can't believe it! Many also chipped in for a "monster" gift which consisted of cloth diaper items off our registry! SUCH A BLESSING! I was so grateful Lisa could be there, too! It was special to share our church family with her. THANK YOU, Christ Chapel family!!
Tom met a vet student from another school who is doing rotations at Cornell at few weeks ago. They just moved here, and his wife had a baby last week. On Wednesday, I got to take them some food and meet them and see their little one. They are just wonderful! So glad to meet them and their little boy (it was good for me to be around), and I'm looking forward to spending time with her after our little one is here. They will probably only be about a month a special!
FYI: Tom returned from WI over the weekend, and after he started talking and touched my belly, she started moving...I think she recognized her daddy!! That might just be an emotional mom/random thing, but I thought it was special!!
They now only let you go one week past your due date. SO, no matter what, we will have a baby in a month!! WOW!
Lisa and I got A LOT done!! We washed all the baby clothes/cloth items; cleaned and decluttered the fridge; cleaned my jewelry stand; made some applesauce; cleaned under the kitchen sink; cleaned our pots and pans cabinets; worked on our hospital bag; organized/unpacked our shower gifts; cleaned out some drawers; and had fun!! She went with me to mentoring class on Saturday. We went to Mama Goose and the Farmer's Market; on Friday, I took her to that place!! We also got canolis and ginger beer (Ithaca has their own brand) from Wegman's (had to take her there). On Sunday we had church, snack time (some of the last to leave:)), ice cream with Tom at Toad's (I got pumpkin ice cream...HAPPY FALL!!!), and a mission trip presentation at church. She returned home on Monday, and I took the day and wrapped up everything. It was such a wonderful time!!!
My vet friends who also went to Honduras with us got to come to the shower. It was soooooo special!!! I loved having them there, too!!! It meant so much!
On Monday, I made around 4 different kinds of breads/muffins to store back for after baby!! It felt great!! One of the ladies at church also made some Happy Baby Shower applesauce for us to store back!! Such a blessing!
We found someone to cover for my maternity leave!! Hopefully, she will accept, and I can start training her on Monday! HUGE blessing!
I was the only one at birthing class last night. It was kind of fun having a little one-on-one session.
One of my friends gave us a box of girl clothes that her daughter has outgrown, as well as, a small compact stroller good for traveling/trips. We are so grateful!!
We also got a changing pad from a dear friend (randomly) this week! Such a surprise and such a blessing!!
Thank you, Lord, for: For our precious church family! WOW!! The love and support they have shown us in our time here is just beautiful. It challenges us and calls us to higher things! We're grateful for each person!!
I've been having some really good conversations with people at work; I can't even put them into words, but just what I need to hear/say before I leave...peaceful/freeing conversations. I'm just amazed this week at how the worry of leaving is going away...thank you, Lord!
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