Monday, September 2, 2013

33 weeks!!

How's momma feeling: Bigger:). It was warmer and more humid this week. It really didn't seem all that miserable though...maybe I've just learned to deal with it (don't get me wrong; I definitely prefer the cooler weather we've been having:)). It just didn't seem as difficult this week as it did those few weeks this summer where it was super hot. She doesn't seem heavy, but I think my legs and feet feel the pressure of the extra weight.
Size of baby: Over four pounds and 17-19 inches (about the size of a pineapple). She may even grow a whole inch just this week! There's less room in there now, so she might be starting to really curl up into the fetal position. 
Cravings: One day this week, I was craving chocolate/candy. Thankfully, I remembered that someone had left 2 mini Fastbreaks in her desk for me before she left for vacation. These were perfect for a craving momma!
Aversions: No major aversions this week, although I did kind of get tired of peanut butter. Brushing my teeth can still sometimes lead to gagging, and I still struggle with "plain" water in the mornings.
Sleep: Slept soundly this week(especially last Saturday night)! I'm not sure if that was due to longer days at work or not, but I'm grateful!! She still doesn't wake me up with her movements or kicking, and I didn't have to get up to go to the bathroom very often either. 

Clothes: Pulled out one of my new "bigger" shirts this week (I've been saving a few for when I'm toward the end), and it didn't feel so big any more. I might have to resort to "bigger bigger" soon...haha! 

Exercise: I did some videos at home (always feel like those give me a good workout), and I found that the stair step works well for my growing body. My legs and feet do well with that kind of motion. I've been incorporating some little exercises that we learned from birthing class, too, during my time of legs or abs on the mat. I still enjoy stretching; it's just a little harder to bend over:). 
Looking forward to: Seeing family next weekend and going to Niagara Falls for the first time!! My in-laws and Tom's brother and sister-in-law are spending some time in Niagara starting this weekend, so we'll have company on Saturday night and then head up to Niagara on Sunday to spend a day with them! It will be so special!!
Something fun: Tom's stethescope is getting repaired, so he has had to borrow one from a friend. Apparently, this borrowed one is a cardiology type stethescope, and we were actually able to hear her heartbeat for the first time on our own (this could also be in combination with the fact that she is bigger now). It was so cool and so special for us!! 

School has started back up, and our CVF (Christian Veterinary Fellowship) group started back up this week. It was nice to see some of our friends and meet some of the first year vet students. 
FYI: Our landlord put in a new "patio" this week (right outside of our apartment)...more like just a concrete slab, but the goal of it is to help prevent any more flooding in our apartment. It's so nice!! We hope it helps!!
The apples on the apple trees outside our apartment are growing! I hope to have time to turn them into applesauce/apple pie to store for the next year. We'll see how that works out with pregnancy/baby. 
Thank you, Lord, for: A few weekends to get caught up on some things!! It's been nice to work on little tasks and to be at home together. We are grateful!

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