Monday, September 16, 2013

35 weeks...almost a month away!

How's momma feeling: I'm grateful that I am still feeling well. My appetite has gone down a bit, and sometimes food (or something) hasn't seemed to settle all that well, but it is short-lived and definitely tolerable. I still have energy too! I did pretty well in the car going back and forth to Niagara. I learned that I don't really have a desire to sit in the car for 10 hours at this point in pregnancy; my traveling days are now over for a few months, but I am completely ok with that. I didn't work as many crazy hours this week, and I really think that helped...physically and energy-wise. I'm been emotional, too - emotional in the sense that a good or sad story just makes me tear up...I know; I's only the beginning!
Size of baby: Around 5-6 pounds and about 18-20 inches long (about the size of a coconut). Her kidneys are completely developed; her liver is beginning to produce waste. Now, we're in the "plumping up" stage!
Cravings: White specialty bread...for example, a breadstick. Weird, I know, but just plain GOOD bread sounded good.
Aversions: Nothing that I can remember.
Sleep: Still sleeping well! My back has been aching a bit more when I wake up, but I don't really feel like that's related to pregnancy...just a "me" thing. Occasionally, I have to get up once to go to the bathroom still but not every night. It's been cool here in the evenings - great sleeping weather!

Clothes: Tried wearing my summer dresses again this week...not too much longer of wearing those. Also, I wore a dress that I wasn't sure would fit, and it did (non-maternity). I feel like some of my dresses have expanded with me; I kind of like it. 

Exercise: Wasn't able to make it to Zumba this week but still was able to work out. We also did some good walking at Niagara Falls, so I definitely kept moving. A couple days, I wasn't able to squeeze in a workout, and I feel like I could tell that was body was lacking from the consistency. At this point, I think it's good just to keep moving; otherwise, my body is just going to want to chill. Finished the book "Sacred Parenting". I'm now on to a baby signing book and "On Becoming Baby Wise".
Looking forward to: My best friend is coming this week! YAY!! I can't wait! This will be her first time to Ithaca. She's coming to help us get ready for amazing...right? I'm hoping to take a few days off of work, too (can't wait for a few days off). 

Church baby shower on Saturday; it will be super special (and to have a friend from home here will be even more special)!
Something fun: Our family came to stay with us Saturday night, and Sunday we spent the day at Niagara Falls with family (Tom's mom, dad, brother, and sister-in-law). It was so fun! The best part was just seeing family and getting to spend a few days with them. Niagara was beautiful; it wasn't what I had expected it to me...smaller or shorter maybe?!? But it was super cool and definitely worth seeing!

FYI: We had a break from birthing class, but we started back up this week. I really am enjoying it (Tom wasn't able to make it this week due to the rotation that he is in). I just love feeling my "toolbox" with more tools. I may not use any of them, but at least we have tried. 
One of my friends sent me a link to a nursing/infinity scarf, so I talked with a friend about making some, and she made me one! Since the weather has gotten cooler this week, I've worn it a few times! I love it!
This week is out last week for an "every 2 week appointment". Then we start weekly ones! WOW!
We had a grad picnic last Friday for work. I had to work it which I loved! Through it, though, I was able to meet some young moms and connect with them. Grateful for this!
Thank you, Lord, for: Time with family...especially since our little one will be here soon. It was special to be able to share her with them one last time before she's here in person. That I haven't gotten sick. With students back, lots of things are being spread around. I'm grateful I haven't picked up anything!!

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