Friday, September 6, 2013

34 weeks...Now I can say "I'm due next month"...on my goodness!

How's momma feeling: I've had a super great week! My legs and feet held up well (didn't work as long of days this week); it wasn't hot; still no swelling. We had an appointment this week. I love when the midwife feels my belly to see what position she is in. I just like knowing, and it makes it seem even more real. On Wednesday, we were measuring between 33 and 34 inches, so we're still on track! Got to hear her heartbeat again, and it's around 140.
Size of baby: About 5 pounds and 20 inches long (about the size of a butternut squash). I still don't feel her as "heavy". It will be interesting to see what it feels like once she's here, and I'm not carrying her any longer. 
Cravings: Smells lead to wanting things...

 - I walked past someone with a pizza last Friday night; I bought one the following night for us while grocery shopping (of course, this was after a long day of running errands, and I wasn't exactly up to cooking when I got home).
- I hit the grilled smell while on a walk talking to my mom last weekend. Oh, I just love and crave that smell. Probably the weirdest thing about this pregnancy. YUM!!!
I also got some key lime Greek yogurt this week (Mom introduced me to this when she and Nate were visiting). YUM, again!!
Aversions: Again, nothing stands out, but something I was reminded about last week is that since being pregnant, I don't really like orange juice any more. I like oranges but not orange juice. I had a cup last Friday; it didn't make me sick, but I definitely did not enjoy it like I did pre-pregnancy. WEIRD!?!
Sleep: Slept great this week! I haven't been longing to sleep on my back which helps a lot!! Tom and I also switched which end of the bed we sleep on. We now put our heads where our feet used to be and our feet where our heads use to be...seems to help as well! Haven't had to get up to go to the bathroom that much either.

Funny...last night I didn't sleep so well, but I think that was due to my dreams. I was dreaming about listservs at work, I think...haha! The dreams were almost too real!
Clothes: Some items (shirts and dresses) are slowly getting too small. Nothing too new on this front. I'm waiting a few more weeks to see if I need a few "bigger bigger" items, but we're good for now. 

Exercise:  Got to go to Zumba this week!! I went to a new class on Saturday with a new instructor (it was her first class). It was fun; I think it wasn't as high intensity which I think was good for me and my legs!
I also still enjoy the stair step because it's good for my legs as well...not as much pressure on them, and doing the stair step allows me to continue reading "Sacred Parenting"...over half way there!
Looking forward to: Family will be here tomorrow, and we get to meet up with more family at Niagara Falls on Sunday! It will be a fun weekend!

Also, in terms of our little one, I'm looking forward to seeing what she looks like. I haven't thought too much about it yet, but this week I did a little. Hmmm....My nose? Tom's eyes? Hair? We'll found out all too soon!
Something fun:
Last night, my stomach was shifting back and forth, up and down, and all around. Not sure what she was doing to entertain herself in there. It's not the first time it's done that, but I just love the movement. I've taken a few videos of her moving but can't seem to get them to post on the blog...sorry!

We got to go over to some of our friends' place last Sunday night for dinner and games. We learned a new game - 500 (played with cards). We had a great time!!
FYI: Baby's head is down (she hasn't dropped yet), but the position she is in right now they are "pretty sure" (they don't have to be so sure for another couple of weeks) is head down, back over to my right side, butt in the upper right corner, and then her legs wrap around back down toward her head. I'm cool with this!! It definitely makes sense in terms of the movement I feel. 
Got lots done this past weekend. Still lots to do, but I worked on a "pile" I've needed to go through since removing our desk from our apartment, and made progress on it. FEELS GOOD! We've also been working on email lists/phone trees/packing lists/birth announcement/etc. in prep for her me, right? 
While the midwife was feeling my tummy this week, she said my uterus was contracting, so it was too tight to feel anything. She took a quick break and came back and could then feel what she needed to. I didn't feel a thing!!
Thank you, Lord, for: Good sleep this week. I'm so grateful. I know that helps tremendously!! Also grateful for sweet students and colleagues who take good care of me an watch out for me....make sure I eat, carry/move stuff for me, check in on me. They are wonderful!!

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