Monday, September 23, 2013

36 weeks...Definitely 8 months pregnant and 1 to go!

How's momma feeling: Still going strong! I still have energy; I can still walk the mile to our car at the end of the day. I can still do things around the house. The chairs in Sunday School are uncomfortable, so I guess a good seat is important to me at this point. 
Size of baby: We had an appointment this week, and the midwife said she is about 6 pounds at this point (just an estimate). If she goes full term, she could be around 8 pounds...we'll see! Her heart beat was 135. I'm measuring between 34 and 35 cm (could point to the fact that she's dropped lower). She told me that if I go into labor at this point, they won't try to stop me:)! She's still head down!
She's probably around 21 inches (about the size of a head of romain lettace or a honeydew). Her skin is getting smooth and soft. 
Cravings: Nothing really this week. My appetite goes up and down. Some days I'm really hungry, and other days, not so much (less room for my stomach to fill up).
Aversions: A chicken/celery casserole I made...didn't settle well (I think that's what was making be nauseous before too). It came back up at 3 a.m. Thursday morning and after that, I felt just fine:) (sorry for the details).
Sleep: I am still able to sleep aok; I think we just seemed to get less of it this week. I slept in until 9:15 on Friday (after losing an hour to take Tom to the airport) which is pretty late for me...a sign I must have needed it. 

Clothes: The weather changed this week...definitely fall weather now. Thankfully, sweaters are a great invention, and they still fit/look fine even when you are pregnant. I tried a bunch of shirts/dresses on that I was wondering if they still fit; my hope was to wear those that were close this week, but I didn't do that so well. I gravitate to the things that do fit well...oh well, I can save the others for future pregnancies (Lord willing of course; let's get this one out first:)). 

Exercise: Made it to Zumba and can still keep up! Woohoo! I also got to do a pre-natal Pilates class with a new friend of mine who is an instructor. She's new to the area and wants to get her studio going, so she offered to give me a free was a nice workout and the end of it (the relaxing part) almost put me to sleep! It was fun!!
Looking forward to: Some low-key weekends ahead to get all the last minute things taken care of. 

Finding out what birth is like...weird and naive, I know, but I'm just so curious.
Something fun: My friend is here! My friend is here! We had a full weekend planned (both work and fun)...more to come next week!

We got to go to some friends for dinner on Saturday night. It was delicious; they also gave us a baby gift for Tom helping one of them to move. It's so cute and definitely will allow support her being a "Cornell baby":) (see the picture above). 
We also went to a "cow" party on Sunday. Tom (along with many others) helped some of our friends get their cows back home awhile back (entertaining story), so they had a party to thank everyone who assisted. I made "Who Let the Cows" out brownies:) was fun!
On Tuesday night, we had a surprise 30th Sundae party to go to for one of our friends. He was definitely surprised! We enjoyed catching up with some vet friends that we hadn't seen in awhile, as well as, some yummy ice cream! 
I took a 1/2 day on Thursday, and I had Friday off as well! WOOHOO!
FYI: We are now down to one midwife visit a week. All four of them are already scheduled. We see if we last that long!?!
Tom headed to a conference in WI this weekend. I usually love to go to those with him, but being 36 weeks pregnant, we thought it best that I don't go. Besides, my friend came, so it was perfect timing!! Tom was recognized for a scholarship he received at the conference (just a shout out to my husband...proud of him and wish I could have been there to cheer for him!). 
I checked out one of our local pediatrician offices on Thursday. I know...not absolutely necessary, but it was nice just to see it, to ask a few questions, and to check that off my "list". 
Thank you, Lord, for: Safe travels for Lisa and grateful! And also for a whole 3 days with Lisa! What a blessing! Thank you for her willingness and the giving of her time, energy, etc. It means so much! Bless her for her time here and just for who she is!

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