Monday, December 30, 2013

Week 9

Size: Ruthie had her 2 month appointment this morning. She weighs 11 lb. 7 oz.!! You go girl! If I'm remembering correctly, she was 23.5 inches long. Tom and I's guesses were both off (I had guessed 11 4 and Tom had guessed 11 6. 
New things: We received a mobile from some friends. We got it out this week. She LOVES it!! 
Babysat by non-family members while not sleeping the whole time. She did a good job for them. 
Grabbing on to my clothes and hair more frequently. She hasn't "discovered her hands" so-to-speak, but she is putting them in her mouth more often, too!! Getting closer to self-soothing. 
Fun things: LOTS of time with Daddy this week! He's had the holiday week off!! 
Ruthie got to go to her first Christmas Eve service this week. 
Ruthie also experienced her first Christmas. She was entertained by unwrapping presents. It was fun!
She enjoyed watching a football game at a friend's place this weekend:). Ruthie loves: Ruthie has been enjoying her moving/music-playing monkey, Pete (gotta love the name!), as well as, one of her dolls, Rosie. 
Being swung in a blanket...LOVE LOVE LOVES it!!
Being up on Daddy's shoulders.
Sleep: She is doing well during the night. It's going to bed that isn't working so well for her the last few nights.  Maybe she gets her "night owl" tendencies from the Cully side:). Just a stage that we'll need to help her get through.
Mom and Dad: We were able to go out on another date this week!! We went out for dinner, to Starbucks, and to the mall. We had a great time! We've just truly been enjoying time at home as a family and getting lots of little projects done around the place. 

Thank you, Lord, for: The wonderful gift of Jesus and for a special 1st Christmas with Ruthie.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

9 weeks!!

Tummy time!

Watching a vet video with Daddy
Ruthie loves her doll - Rosie (not gonna's kind of fun naming all of her toys...haha!)
See...she's hugging Rosie!
Now she's eating Rosie (guess we'll wait for a little brother or sister until she's past the eating stage)...:)

As you can imagine, she really liked this position
Haha! This picture cracks me up...Tom put her in his hat...she looks like she's hatching out of an egg or something!
Notice the straight line between the cheeks and the lips...T took this one!!

Ruthie's 1st Christmas!!

She seriously LOVES this tree!
Decorating the tree

We had Christmas dinner with our friends. They gave us an ornament for Christmas!

Our little Christmas tree on Christmas morning

Listening to Daddy read the Christmas story

Part of our Christmas breakfast (Olivia got to pick breakfast this year...haha!)
Ruthie opening her gifts...a book from some friends at church!
Olivia opening her gift from T (LOVED it!!)
A book from our sweet of him!
T's gift from O
Book from Grandma and Grandpa Lewton...
About a little girl named Ruthie!!
Our best little present!!
The mocha peppermint cake I made for Christmas dinner.
We also had pigs in a blanket for breakfast.

Homemade triple chocolate hot chocolate to drink during our Christmas day movie...Man of Steel :)

Calling family to wish them a Merry Christmas!
Enjoying time with our friends Christmas evening

Friday, December 27, 2013

2 months old today!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ruth Nicole Cully
~ 2 months old~

Love the mouth!

Mom, why are you doing this to me, again?? I'm not amused...
Gotta love the fuzzy boots! Thank you, Auntie Lynn (for the whole outfit, too!!)!!

Same outfit Ruthie wore to church last Sunday!

Gotta love the cheeks!
Got lashes?
Ruthie loves taking pictures...:)
Ok...maybe not...