Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Week 34

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New things:  Ruth started making some new sounds/noises this week. One of them sounds like she’s saying “chicken” or sometimes “kitty”. Another one sounds like “geesh”.
My mom and sister introduced Ruth to walking back and forth between the two of them while holding onto their hands. She LOVED it! She squealed and squealed and thought she was hot stuff.
Ruth moves backwards when she tries to “crawl” and seems to find herself halfway under the couch occasionallyJ.
Ruth is able to stand on the floor and hold onto the couch by herself now without losing her balance as easily. I don’t have to be as on guard any longer.
Ruth is also to eat with her fingers more and more. She eats cracker”y” or bread”y” type things or soft fruits and veggies (in the picture she is eating cottage cheese and peachesJ). It’s so nice that she can feed herself some because then it gives Tom and I a chance to eat, too, and she LOVES feeding herself!
Fun things:  My mom and sister came to visit this week. They helped watch/play with Ruth while I unpacked, and they also helped me unpack and clean. It was so helpful, and we got so much accomplished! It would’ve taken me so much more time to do all that without their assistance! Each day they were here, we tried to get out to do something fun. We tried out a local ice cream shop and a couple local restaurants; we made a few Walmart runs, toured around town; went to see one of Tom’s dairies; drove up to a nearby bigger city; went to a local Amish bakery, farmers’ market, and a few other places. It was fun to explore the area and to balance work with play. Ruth had all kinds of fun
Ruth loves: Ruth loves the heifers across the street from us.
Ruth loves her plastic toy hayJ. It belongs to one of her farm toy sets. For some reason, she’s taken a liking to it.
Ruth enjoyed playing with her Grammie’s mint container and ChapStick this week.  
When her daddy comes home! She wants to go to him right away!
Being gotten by me when she’s in her daddy’s arms!! She just giggles and squeals!
Sleep: Still getting up…but we have a plan! We will start sleep training her next week to sleep through the night…now that we’ve been here for a few weeks, family has come and gone, and the late nights/busy weekend is over. We’ll see how it goes! Can’t wait!
Tom and I: We worked on getting our WI licenses and plates this week…we’re becoming more and more official! Woohoo!
Tom and I got to go on a little date while my mom and sister watched Ruth. It’s always nice to have some time together just us!
Tom and I really love our housemates! They are wonderful! They do stuff for us; we do stuff for them…we just have each others’ backs! It’s great! We are truly enjoying their company and friendship, and we’re learning so much about WI and the area through them!!
The dairy had some visitors this weekend, so Saturday night and Sunday afternoon and evening we spent doing stuff for that….it was so much fun! Saturday we had a dinner at a local resort and Sunday was a tour of one of the dairies followed by ice cream floats. Tom helped with the tour, and I helped with the floatsJ. Ruth socialized! We had another dinner Sunday night. Ruth and I also joined the visitors for a tour of a cheese factory on Monday. I learned a lot about the cheese making process (I knew near to nothing prior to the tour), and Ruth and I both enjoyed sampling the cheeses!                     

Thank you, Lord, for:  Time with family and all the help they provided!! What a blessing it was to us! It was special for them to spend time with Ruth and to see our new home. It was nice to see familiar faces, too! Our housemates! They are just what we needed!

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