Monday, July 14, 2014

Week 33

Size: ??
New things:  Ruth is starting to move when in the crawl position. Not crawling movement, but she used to just freeze when on all fours. Now she moves a little! Progress!
Ruth has “whistled” a little for me. We live across the road from some heifers, and I’ll whistle for her heifers, and she tried to do it this week herself. It’s more like blowing or a high pitched sound, but it’s cute that she’s trying to copy!
Ruth has started moving her fingers when she wants something…in an “I want” kind of way. Yay for communication!
Ruth holds out her arms if she wants to go to you. It’s super cool…just another way for her to communicate what she wants.
Ruth started “blowing” this week. I can’t remember how I introduced it to her, but she tries to do it herself. There’s sometimes a little spit involvedJ, but it’s a great beginning!
A couple of strangers have asked/offered to hold Ruth the past couple of weeks (both safe situations). One on our vacation…we were chatting with her and her party, and she just asked and another at a yard sale. She was the seller and offered to hold Ruth while I looked. It was just a new thing as strangers don’t usually ask to hold her. They just talk to her or reach out a hand for her. Ruth was completely fine with it as she loves people and finds it entertaining to go to others.
Fun things:  On Friday night of this week, we had a family date to a tractor/truck pull. It was a lot of fun! Ruth quite enjoyed watching all the competitors…she LOVES vehicles and tractors!!
We also enjoyed celebrating Fathers’ Day this weekend! We went to a pancake breakfast that morning, got to go to a parade after church and had supper (as they call it here in WI) with our housemates. Tom liked his gifts and was able to have the afternoon to get caught up on some things which he also really enjoyed. It was a fun day!
Ruth and I went to the library this week (our 2nd timeJ) for something they have called Babies and Board Books. She played with lots of toys and some little kids, and we brought home some good books!
Ruth loves: Dogs! I’ve put dogs on here before, but she really does love dogs. Our housemates (as I call them) have a dog, and she LOVES their dog! I think she’s partly fascinated with her tongue. It took me awhile to figure this out, but I think that’s one of the things she loves to watch…the dog’s tongue!
Fruit chews…she received some at the parade, and I gave her small bites, and she gobbled them up!
My laptop! She also really enjoyed the music I played for us this week. I don’t play music often (how I’ve always been), but when I do, she seems to really like it!
Standing and playing! She’s enjoying using her legs!
Sleep: Still getting up a few times a night.
Tom and I: Tom started his job this week. It’s going well. To start practicing those clinical skills, he’s doing herd checks and helping in the sick pens at both farms. He also takes any emergencies (not too many of these in any given month). It’s cool to hear him say he’s a veterinarian now as for so long it was “vet student”. It’s also interesting hearing others say “Dr. Tom”; we’re like real grown-ups now!
Ruth and I went shopping with some of our friends this week. We had lunch at a little coffee shop and then headed up to a bigger city with a mall. We drove around town a bit, too, and they showed me all sorts of things there and along the way. We had lots of fun, and it was nice to explore a little. Ruth had fun, too, as she had a couple of friends to play with (a 6-yr-old and an 8-yr-old who LOVE her). We finished our afternoon with a snack at A&WJ.
The final appliances we needed…a washer and dryer!! There was a “festival” type thing this week here which equaled yard sales, the parade, the pancake breakfast, music, a blood drive, and more! So, Ruth and I went to some yard sales (it was a way to get out in the community, meet some people, and find my way around townJ) and found a washer and dryer for sale (2 different places but located on the same street!!!). Woohoo! So grateful to be done looking on CraigslistJ.
Still getting settled in…day by day!

Thank you, Lord, for: That it’s summer time…thankful we moved during a time when we can get outside, when there are lots of events and activities going on, and a time when we can get out of the drivewayJ. A job for Tom and for Your provision over the last 7 months (in particularJ). 

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