Monday, July 14, 2014

34 weeks!

Unpacking a box with Aunt Maddy...discovered ChapStick:).
I got LOTS done!
Lots of playtime!
Walking back and forth! Can you tell she's having fun here?
Mommy getting her while Daddy has her...she always gets giggly!
We just never have another person to take a picture of it! Ha!
She's started moving herself backwards...underneath the couch!

It can really wear a little girl out!

Daddy getting her!

I really didn't have to do my hair at all while they were here. Maddy did it for me!!
That's my idea of a vacation!
Oh, the little things in life!

She enjoys turning sideways in restaurant high chairs and carts...not sure why.
It's so nice that she can feed herself. That allows us plenty of time to eat, too!

Sometimes it takes all sorts of hand twisting to get pieces of food into her mouth:). 

She LOVES the drain plug. Tom can get the coolest toys, but she still goes for the drain plug!!

Isn't this sweet? My hair. Compliments of Maddy.
Now do you see why we call her a piranha?
Grammie and Aunt Maddy love to have photo shoots!

And another one! Ruth was a trooper!

Still loves to hang upside down!
I love her grin here...It looks like she's up to something!

I can't remember if she was getting me or giving me a kiss?!
I believe she's giving me a kiss here, though. So sweet!
Grammie and Ruth

Giving Grammie a kiss

Daddy drove one of the tractors for the dairy tour.

I couldn't help but put her in her cow costume for such an event! Ruth enjoyed sharing Daddy's float with him.
She always seems to get more messy with Daddy:).

Coming home from one of the dinners...with a tired girl. She did so well for us that weekend!

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