Saturday, August 16, 2014

Week 39

Week 39:
Size:  ??
New things:  Ruth says “hi” when waving now (I think she’s been able to say it in the past but now it’s more consistent and more clear as to what she’s saying). It’s so cute. She sounds like a little southern bell.
Ruth got to try walking with a push walker this week. She was able to do it on her own as long as it didn’t get up to speed too quickly. She liked it but didn’t love it…maybe in time.
Ruth was playing with one of her great uncles, and he would drop a ball and then encourage her to do it. She was able to do it. It was cute.
Ruth is pulling herself from sitting to standing more now!
Fun things:  Ruth and I headed to the Midwest this week. First stop – Indiana as I needed to finish going through the rest of my “stuff” that my parents have been so kind as to store for me. Ruth did well on the trip down (one of her better trips as she’s still not a huge fan of being in a car seat) and quite enjoyed listening to the radio during that trip. We listened to all sorts of genres, and at times when I turned it on, she would quiet down if she was fussy or even sometimes almost dose off.
During our time there I was able to make it through my stuff, go to a party for some family friends, meet my friend’s new baby, go to our old church, and see extended family (including both grandmas). It was a nice visit! Ruth was not herself as she was showing signs of teething again (clingy, feverish, fussy, appetite down), but I never saw a tooth break through. Despite not feeling well, she hung in there for all the social activities and did really well considering her situation.
One night, we went out to dinner in another town and ran into some of our extended family! It was special to see them and for them to see Ruth! COOL!!
Ruth was able to make a connection between “her” dog in WI and my parents’ dog. She called my parents’ dog a “dog”, so I think she does understand the meaning. She also saw my aunt’s puppy and was quite interested in him!!
Ruth loves: Her plastic Easter eggs; she still plays with them all the time and love those little things!
Eating pumpkin! I made some pumpkin, pea or broccoli, and prune mixture for Ruth, and she has been devouring it this week! YUM!
Ruth loves looking at pictures…One of the walls by our table, we have pictures of the 3 of us hung. If you ask Ruth “where’s Dada?”, she will look at or hold her hand out to the picture of him.  We also have pictures up in our bedroom that she is fond of
Ruth LOVED playing with one of her second cousins that she got to see while in IN. She had so much fun with him; he did so well with her!
Waving to the trucks and tractors that drive by our house. She hears them and knows where to look.
Playing with door stops and chewing on plastic lids!
Taking bites off of a whole banana…she thinks she’s hot stuff.
Sleep: Ruth has made progress when going down for her naps and bedtime in the sense that she is going down much easier….less of a fight. Sometimes, she doesn’t even fuss at all. She’ll just roll over (with her cow) and go to sleep! Woohoo!! She also has been laying her head on my shoulder before I put her down in her crib. This is not a “normal” activity for her, so it’s good that she seems to be wanting to go to sleep more. I like it…more snuggles!
Ruth did well sleeping in Indiana. I’m grateful!
Tom and I: I spent the first part of the week getting the house in order/getting packed/etc. for our trip. After we left, Tom held down the fort back at home, and I enjoyed getting to see friends and family, finally getting through all my stuff (and enjoying the memories that went along with a lot of the items), and getting to see Ruth with her family and enjoying having lots of helping handsJ.

Thank you, Lord, for: SAFETY on the road and that Ruth did so well! Time with family and friends!

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