Friday, August 29, 2014

42 weeks!!!

Our anniversary weekend away...
Stopped at a local bakery and got a treat to share...
Took it to the lake!
Happy 3 years!!
Reading with her grandpa...her new favorite book!

Hmmmm...I wonder what's going through her little brain...
Fun at the park!
On her own!
Walking holding on to one hand only!

She's so relaxed in her swing:)
Trying coffee...grandparents will be grandparents:)
One handed...

No handed...

From her's nice that she can stand and play at the same time. She loves this thing!

Standing on her own!
Her other new favorite book:)
42 weeks!

Petting farm...note the face:). They said she maintained this solemn face the entire time except when the sheep (or goats...can't remember) were "baaaa-ing". She "baaa-ed" right along with them!

This is how Ruth pets...with one finger:).
You can just tell she is taking it all in...those wheels are turning!

"What is that thing, and what is it doing?"
Can you tell what she's doing?
Having fun:)

Ice cream date with our friends!
Our friend let Ruth finish her cone:).
Daddy time!

We had dinner with them before they headed back to Indiana. 
LOVES swinging...
See her #55 sticker? It's from her cousin who does dirt bike racing.
Ruth says "he's #1" in her book!
Daddy and Ruth played in the mud:). 
Our little girl...

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