Saturday, October 26, 2013

41 weeks...still no baby!

How's momma feeling: Felt great up until Thursday night...which we are assuming is a good thing (meaning labor/baby should be coming soon!). Still working, although, on Friday, I worked less due to our appointment and not feeling great. 
Size of baby: Let's just say she should be good and developed by now...maybe around 8 lbs. or so. We had an appointment on Tuesday of this week and Friday morning. Her heart rate is great, and the fluid surrounding her is aok as well!! I'm still 1 cm (maybe 2) dialated and 80% effaced (two midwives told me I'm 80% effaced; a third said I'm 70-80%). Yesterday, she had a longer ultrasound in which they measured all sorts of things. She scored an 8 out of 8...go, baby!!
Cravings: Stuffing, rice, hot chocolate, and Burger King (and I ate all four of them!)...Random, I know! I think I was wanting something salty (stuffing and rice), and I've been wanting a burger from BK for awhile now. The midwife told me to eat whatever I want yesterday, so we had a BK date last night! It was YUMMY and fun!

Oh, yes, I was also craving the Papa John's chocolate chip cookie last that, too! 
Aversions: Nothing too distinct; I wasn't in the mood for the pumpkin/squash soup I made but ate it anyway. Sometimes, food just doesn't sound good in general...another sign?!?
Sleep: Was sleeping great up until Thursday/Friday night...tossing and turning. 

Clothes: I found a pair of pants in my closet (I hadn't remembered buying any) which came in handy this week with our 30-40 degree weather! If Baby Cully doesn't come soon, I'm just going to have to go shopping again...just kidding!

Exercise: Still made it to the gym this week! Yesterday, we went for a walk instead since I wasn't feeling the greatest. Will probably go for another (if not multiple) walk again today!
Looking forward to:  Getting her here!! Sharing pictures of her on this blog very soon!!

Something fun: Last Friday night, we went to a Cornell Women's Volleyball game, to Starbucks for a drink, and rented a movie (well, we thought it was a movie, but it ended up being a documentary:)) The volleyball team lost to Yale, but it was so much fun! I hadn't been to a "real" volleyball game in a long time (just intramural:)). 
On Saturday night we got to go over to some friends for dinner and a game (Scattergories...I love that game)!! We had a fun time!
FYI: Our next appointment is scheduled for Monday, but we are thinking she will probably come before then...we'll see!
We got a new sink and counter top this week! YAY! We came home Tuesday night, and our landlord was installing them...I LOVE the new sink. It's deeper and has a soap dispenser and a shower head option, too! 
Thank you, Lord, for: A healthy little girl and that things are progressing! 

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