Saturday, October 19, 2013

40 weeks...yup, no baby yet!

How's momma feeling: Doing wonderfully! Still working, exercising, and getting things done. I have wanted to do more "relaxing" recently though. We've been getting home sooner than normal, and sometimes it's hard to be motivated to do "more". I feel like I've been doing "more" for 9 months...some "time off" would be nice:). We've had some fun dates and times at home that have been relaxing and fun. We're definitely ready for her but still utilizing the time to get some things done. 
Size of baby: She's about the size of a small pumpkin (how fitting). At our appointment yesterday, the midwife estimated that she is around 7.5 lbs. We'll see how accurate that is once she's out. She has dropped, although I didn't realize it. The midwife was touching her head...weird! I believe I was measuring 34 cm which is another sign that she is moving further down...go baby, go! Apparently, she's still in no rush to come out, but that's ok. We want her to come when she's ready and when the timing is right! With each week she is gaining weight and developing even more (she should be nice and baked by now). I'm about 1 cm dialated and having Braxton Hicks (or so the midwife has told me; I still don't really feel them). 
Cravings: Nothing much this week. Not sure it was a craving, but I did make some pumpkin pancakes this week...I LOVE fall stuff!! I also really love mayo...whenever I have a sandwich, I do crave mayo!!

Wait...I did think of something. I saw a commercial for a Papa John's cookie pizza...I've kind of wanted one of those this just looks so yummy! HAHA!Aversions: As I mentioned on a few posts, for the longest time I didn't want to drink water in the mornings, so I would use the flavored water packets. But now, I don't seem to want the flavored packets I have. Maybe it's the flavor, but now I just try to drink other things (milk, juice) and water as much as I can until I actually "want" water. So interesting!?!
Sleep: Sleeping so well still! I love getting about 9 hours a night. I have had to get up once a night to go to the bathroom this week (another sign that I believe she is making her way down). Even though the weather is getting cooler, I still don't like to sleep with any blankets...sometimes the sheet...even that sometimes is a little too toasty (so unlike me). 

Clothes: I haven't had to buy anything else; I'm still fitting aok into the items I have. We tried taking a picture most days this week cause you never know when the last day will be. 

Exercise: Made it to the gym every day this week and went on some nice walks last weekend. Again, my workouts are definitely not "intense" any longer, but we are still moving and strengthening and stretching. Feels good!
Looking forward to:  Meeting her!! Seeing what she looks like!!

Something fun: We had some fun dates last weekend. On Friday, we drove to a nearby town (Ithaca doesn't have a lot of chain restaurants) to go to Red Lobster. It was yummy and fun! Unfortunately, I forgot to take pictures. 
On Saturday, we went to a Cornell vs. Harvard football game (our first CU football game). They lost, but it was still fun. We both got a little sun as it ended up being a sunny/warm day. It was staff celebration weekend, so next, we went to a lunch/dinner that was provided to staff members. It was a nice treat (and I didn't have to cook/prepare anything). FYI: Like I mentioned above, I am still working. My desk is almost completely cleared off. It feels so great to pass things along/wrap things up. 
We have another appointment this week (if I don't have her by Tuesday). They will monitor her heart and the placenta, as well as, do an ultrasound to check the fluid around her. Induction is not necessary yet. 
One of my professors said that the reason I still must be going strong is because of my Midwest blood...haha! I said, it must be from all those green bean casseroles, and he said it's probably from the corn. I think that has been my favorite pregnancy "compliment"!!
She missed coming on her grandma Sandy's birthday. Maybe she'll be born on her only cousin's birthday instead?!? We'll see!
We got to have dinner with a family from church on Monday night. It was nice to see their home and to spend some time with them. The food was delicious (some of my pregnancy favorites)!! 
All of her cloth diapers items are washed and ready to go! Woohoo!!
Thank you, Lord, for: Tom being able to go to our appointment yesterday!! That was so special! (he got done nice and early yesterday) Thank you, too, for making it until week 40 for the sake of my maternity leave plans. That is a HUGE blessing!

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