Saturday, October 26, 2013

Pictures from 41 weeks...

41 weeks!!

40 weeks and 6 days!

BK date!

Neither of us can remember the last time we had Burger King...haha!
One of my student workers wanted to get us something.  His grandma made this for us!!
It's a quilted growth so sweet of both of them! It meant so much!
Papa John's cookie...:) I'm enjoying this whole pregnancy craving thing while I can!
40 weeks and 4 days!
40 weeks and 5 days!

At the CU volleyball game!
One of my students is on the team, so it was fun to get to see her play finally!
I thought maybe the game would send me into labor...some of it was suspenseful!
Our new sink and counter top! Aren't they beautiful!?!

41 weeks...still no baby!

How's momma feeling: Felt great up until Thursday night...which we are assuming is a good thing (meaning labor/baby should be coming soon!). Still working, although, on Friday, I worked less due to our appointment and not feeling great. 
Size of baby: Let's just say she should be good and developed by now...maybe around 8 lbs. or so. We had an appointment on Tuesday of this week and Friday morning. Her heart rate is great, and the fluid surrounding her is aok as well!! I'm still 1 cm (maybe 2) dialated and 80% effaced (two midwives told me I'm 80% effaced; a third said I'm 70-80%). Yesterday, she had a longer ultrasound in which they measured all sorts of things. She scored an 8 out of 8...go, baby!!
Cravings: Stuffing, rice, hot chocolate, and Burger King (and I ate all four of them!)...Random, I know! I think I was wanting something salty (stuffing and rice), and I've been wanting a burger from BK for awhile now. The midwife told me to eat whatever I want yesterday, so we had a BK date last night! It was YUMMY and fun!

Oh, yes, I was also craving the Papa John's chocolate chip cookie last that, too! 
Aversions: Nothing too distinct; I wasn't in the mood for the pumpkin/squash soup I made but ate it anyway. Sometimes, food just doesn't sound good in general...another sign?!?
Sleep: Was sleeping great up until Thursday/Friday night...tossing and turning. 

Clothes: I found a pair of pants in my closet (I hadn't remembered buying any) which came in handy this week with our 30-40 degree weather! If Baby Cully doesn't come soon, I'm just going to have to go shopping again...just kidding!

Exercise: Still made it to the gym this week! Yesterday, we went for a walk instead since I wasn't feeling the greatest. Will probably go for another (if not multiple) walk again today!
Looking forward to:  Getting her here!! Sharing pictures of her on this blog very soon!!

Something fun: Last Friday night, we went to a Cornell Women's Volleyball game, to Starbucks for a drink, and rented a movie (well, we thought it was a movie, but it ended up being a documentary:)) The volleyball team lost to Yale, but it was so much fun! I hadn't been to a "real" volleyball game in a long time (just intramural:)). 
On Saturday night we got to go over to some friends for dinner and a game (Scattergories...I love that game)!! We had a fun time!
FYI: Our next appointment is scheduled for Monday, but we are thinking she will probably come before then...we'll see!
We got a new sink and counter top this week! YAY! We came home Tuesday night, and our landlord was installing them...I LOVE the new sink. It's deeper and has a soap dispenser and a shower head option, too! 
Thank you, Lord, for: A healthy little girl and that things are progressing! 

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Pictures from 40 weeks...

40 weeks pregnant!!

39 weeks and 6 days!!

39 weeks and 5 days!!

At our annual Grad Symposium
39 weeks and 4 days!!
CU Football Game!!

Sporting Cornell Pride!!
Staff Celebration meal!
Baby Cully supporting CU!!
39 weeks and 1 day!!
Grandma and Grandpa Lewton and Aunt Maddy have their own "hospital bags" packed and ready to go! They plan to come see Baby Girl Cully at the hospital when she is born!! Love the bags!!

40 weeks...yup, no baby yet!

How's momma feeling: Doing wonderfully! Still working, exercising, and getting things done. I have wanted to do more "relaxing" recently though. We've been getting home sooner than normal, and sometimes it's hard to be motivated to do "more". I feel like I've been doing "more" for 9 months...some "time off" would be nice:). We've had some fun dates and times at home that have been relaxing and fun. We're definitely ready for her but still utilizing the time to get some things done. 
Size of baby: She's about the size of a small pumpkin (how fitting). At our appointment yesterday, the midwife estimated that she is around 7.5 lbs. We'll see how accurate that is once she's out. She has dropped, although I didn't realize it. The midwife was touching her head...weird! I believe I was measuring 34 cm which is another sign that she is moving further down...go baby, go! Apparently, she's still in no rush to come out, but that's ok. We want her to come when she's ready and when the timing is right! With each week she is gaining weight and developing even more (she should be nice and baked by now). I'm about 1 cm dialated and having Braxton Hicks (or so the midwife has told me; I still don't really feel them). 
Cravings: Nothing much this week. Not sure it was a craving, but I did make some pumpkin pancakes this week...I LOVE fall stuff!! I also really love mayo...whenever I have a sandwich, I do crave mayo!!

Wait...I did think of something. I saw a commercial for a Papa John's cookie pizza...I've kind of wanted one of those this just looks so yummy! HAHA!Aversions: As I mentioned on a few posts, for the longest time I didn't want to drink water in the mornings, so I would use the flavored water packets. But now, I don't seem to want the flavored packets I have. Maybe it's the flavor, but now I just try to drink other things (milk, juice) and water as much as I can until I actually "want" water. So interesting!?!
Sleep: Sleeping so well still! I love getting about 9 hours a night. I have had to get up once a night to go to the bathroom this week (another sign that I believe she is making her way down). Even though the weather is getting cooler, I still don't like to sleep with any blankets...sometimes the sheet...even that sometimes is a little too toasty (so unlike me). 

Clothes: I haven't had to buy anything else; I'm still fitting aok into the items I have. We tried taking a picture most days this week cause you never know when the last day will be. 

Exercise: Made it to the gym every day this week and went on some nice walks last weekend. Again, my workouts are definitely not "intense" any longer, but we are still moving and strengthening and stretching. Feels good!
Looking forward to:  Meeting her!! Seeing what she looks like!!

Something fun: We had some fun dates last weekend. On Friday, we drove to a nearby town (Ithaca doesn't have a lot of chain restaurants) to go to Red Lobster. It was yummy and fun! Unfortunately, I forgot to take pictures. 
On Saturday, we went to a Cornell vs. Harvard football game (our first CU football game). They lost, but it was still fun. We both got a little sun as it ended up being a sunny/warm day. It was staff celebration weekend, so next, we went to a lunch/dinner that was provided to staff members. It was a nice treat (and I didn't have to cook/prepare anything). FYI: Like I mentioned above, I am still working. My desk is almost completely cleared off. It feels so great to pass things along/wrap things up. 
We have another appointment this week (if I don't have her by Tuesday). They will monitor her heart and the placenta, as well as, do an ultrasound to check the fluid around her. Induction is not necessary yet. 
One of my professors said that the reason I still must be going strong is because of my Midwest blood...haha! I said, it must be from all those green bean casseroles, and he said it's probably from the corn. I think that has been my favorite pregnancy "compliment"!!
She missed coming on her grandma Sandy's birthday. Maybe she'll be born on her only cousin's birthday instead?!? We'll see!
We got to have dinner with a family from church on Monday night. It was nice to see their home and to spend some time with them. The food was delicious (some of my pregnancy favorites)!! 
All of her cloth diapers items are washed and ready to go! Woohoo!!
Thank you, Lord, for: Tom being able to go to our appointment yesterday!! That was so special! (he got done nice and early yesterday) Thank you, too, for making it until week 40 for the sake of my maternity leave plans. That is a HUGE blessing!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

39 week pictures!!

Isn't this adorable??
Apple Fest (but at the chocolate shop) :)
Our friends who invited us to Apple Fest!
39 weeks!!

S'more date!!
With apple cider:)
Apple crumble!!

39 close to the finish line!

How's momma feeling: Feeling great! Still don't feel like I'll be having a baby in the next couple of weeks. I haven't reached the "let's get her out" stage. Still enjoying pregnancy and the prep stage. Can't wait to meet her but don't feel like it's "go time" yet. I can still walk, breathe, and work and don't feel "huge". We are very grateful for all of these! Any day now...
Size of baby: Our appointment this week went well. Her head is still nicely down (don't think she's actually "dropped" yet; I am told I will "know" when this happens). She's still moving around from side to side, and her butt or back will protrude a few times a day. Her heart beat was still about 130 (yay for consistency), and the midwife said I was measuring good. She's probably around 7.5 lbs and maybe 22 inches or so long...about the size of a watermelon. She's still supposed to be putting on fat, too! Yay for chub!!
Cravings: Not quite sure where this came from...perhaps just from driving by, but I have kind of wanted Burger King a few times this week. Once it pops into my mind, then I really want it. I just want a huge burger from weird, I know!!

Aversions: No aversions this week, but I had to adjust the time in which I take my prenatal vitamins. Our dinner time has changed due to Tom's schedule, and I took one a little too late in the evening one night this week...paid for that during the night:)...
Sleep: Sleep is still going wonderfully. Tom's current rotation has allowed us to sleep in a little later than normal, so that has been nice. I have gotten up to go to the bathroom once a night more consistently. My fluid intake is greater in the afternoon/evenings because I still don't like drinking water too much in the morning. 

Clothes: It's cool in the mornings and warmer in the afternoons, so sometimes, it's hard to know how to dress. I need to go through my "fall" clothes, though, to see what will fit. I definitely don't need any more clothes at this point, but I do want to try to utilize all those that still fit (even non maternity) to get the best use out of them. I'm grateful it's warm enough that I can still wear capris. 

Exercise: Did TaeBo this week and worked out at the gym. I enjoy going to the gym because I get to read while working out (love killing to birds with one stone). I definitely can't go as hard as I used to, but I am grateful I still have the energy and that my body still holds up well. 
Looking forward to:  A couple dates this weekend...dinner date and a football game date! 

Something fun: Tom and I had a little "fall-themed" date last weekend. We roasted pumpkin marshmallows over the stove and made s'mores and also had some apple cider (shout out to Lisa for the idea:)) to go with them! We then went through a "traditions" book we've been reading over the course of pregnancy and wrote down our favorite ideas. 
We went to the Ithaca "Apple Fest" last Sunday afternoon with some friends. It was fun, although, there weren't a lot of apple options:(. We couldn't even find anyone selling apple cider donuts, but we did find the chocolate shop that was passing out free chocolate samples:). That was satisfying enough. 
We received a package in the mail from some of our friends this week. They work with horses, and we got a huge kick out of the bib...see picture above...isn't it fun??
FYI: Things are work are wrapping up. The transition time has worked so well with my back-up, and I am slowly catching up on my emails/tasks on my desk so that I don't leave things a mess. It feels good to get things done. 
I took a day off this week - I met a friend at a bakery, ran errands, got a haircut, and did some cooking.
I made three apple crumbles this week and hope to make some apple butter and cornbread to freeze this weekend. 
Tom and I had more time at home in the evenings this week; it was wonderful!!Thank you, Lord, for: Time to still get a few things done and time at home. It's so nice! And also, for protecting our little girl in the womb. What a miracle!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

38 week pictures!

37 weeks and 5 days!
Nothing to do with baby, but I parallel parked for the first (I'm pretty darn sure) time since my drivers license test (almost 10 years ago)...I was so proud of myself!!

My friend from PA!! YAY!!
Putting together her bed!

38 weeks!!

New stove/oven!!
Made some pumpkin (I love fall) cookies this week as little thank you's for support during pregnancy (whether pregnancy related or not)