Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Pictures from 21 months!

These are really out of order...oh, well!
At the end of the month, Tom got to go on a fishing trip with some friends!
They caught LOTS of fish...especially Walleye.
They had a great time!
He even had the biggest catch of the day! (not sure if this is it or not:))
Having some fun in Ohio at the local root beer stand with our family!
Oh the privileges of being of uncle!
It's educational....right?
Ruth had lots of fun with her Uncle Ben!
Such a good helper!
I got in a couple photos myself:)
Trains with Grandpa!
Grandma Cully and her cream!
These girls love it!
Ruth loves smart phones:)
I love this picture!
(Ruth is 2nd from the right)
This was at a family and friend bon fire we had in Ohio.
Playing some b-ball...
And some volleyball...Go, Daddy!
And having fun with fire, too:).
She liked the sparklers!!
A visit to see Aunt Ruth!!
I love this picture!
We enjoyed a delicious lunch, CHEESECAKE:), and a wonderful visit!! 
A little fun in the sun...and water!
Fun with Uncle Ben!

Tom was having fun, too...he's the one on the right:).
"Driving" the boat:)

A little wagon ride...too some strength to pull this pregnant momma around:).
These "fun in sun, water, and sand" pictures were from a little family get together at a local camp.
We had fun!!
These are out of order, but oh, well!
Ruth love bouncing on Daddy's belly...
Daddy...loves...it too?!
That's a sticker from the bank...they don't skimp on quality...these things (yes...I believe she had one on each knee:)) were hard to get off. 
Getting closer to the 4th of July! Gotta represent!
This is at the doctor waiting for an OB appt...hints the sticker:).
Pretty sure this is a selfie:)...haha!
A little fun on the farm!

Another 4th of July outfit:)
Family night at the park and ice cream:).
This would be her watching ice cream run down her arm:).
Never too old or too big for some fun in a sandbox:)...especially one with trucks!
A little "big sister" shirt action!
I love these things!
She thought it was cool!
One of Ruth's favorite friends from church (and not just because of the ice cream:)). 
Ready, set, go!
We all played this game for awhile:).
At some friends' house...just her size:). Got to wear a helmet for the 1st time, too!

Play date at the park!

21 months!

Happy 4th of July!!
At a local parade. She got the hang of it!

That much 4th of July fun can lead to one tired little girl!
I love this picture!
4th of July family fun at the park!
We all did this quite a few times! She loved the slide that night!

From our Indiana visit. I don't exactly remember how she got Nutella, but she did:).
She played with this hose for quite some time! She was soaked and had a blast!
She also enjoyed squirting people...or maybe that was Grandma Lewton:)...kidding!

Grandpa Lewton is home!
Love this picture!
She fell in love with this baby doll while we were there. It came back to WI with us:)...per my request...
great practice for Dec and beyond:). 
Note the baby doll...
Note the baby doll again...
Fun with Aunt Payge!
Side note...love the swimsuit...from Grandma Lewton:)
I think she may have been chatting with the dog here.
She also enjoyed feeding the dog bacon treats...in fact, she LOVED this activity, and I think the dog did, too!
He probably got more treats in that week than he does in an entire month otherwise:). 
Such a good uncle:)
A visit to see Great Grandma Lewton!
Got to share our "growing" news with her in person.

Fun with her 2nd cousin!
There was a petting zoo type thing at the mall in town, so Grandma and Grandpa Lewton took Ruth...and Aunt Maddy...whose 16th birthday was that day...
If you're going to work with a children's petting zoo, you have to be willing to have your picture taken again and again and again! What a sport!
Love that arm on his shoulder:)
And again:)

A little birthday treat and candles for the birthday girl!
Way better than riding a pony:).
Those would be chocolate peanut butter Rice Krispies treats...her request:).
Little did Maddy know...while she was at the children's petting zoo on her sweet 16, some of us were back at the homestead preparing for her SURPRISE Sweet 16 party for the following day...
She had no clue...
We got her good!
Lots of work but totally worth it!
A friend made the cake and cupcakes! It was a chocolate peanut butter cake...see a theme?:)
Popcorn and movie candy bar for the outdoor movie part of the evening. 
Shaving cream twister:)
It was a long day for Ruth, too! She was a trooper!
Aunt Jill was in charge of the bon fire:)
Cookies on the forehead...they had to wiggle them down to their mouths and eat them...well, try at least. It was one of the most entertaining things I've ever watched!
The bon fire portion of the evening.
We had to try to the cupakes!
Also had a photo booth set up...
Oh, my dad!
This picture just makes me chuckle:).
We did some fun dancing, too! I think this was the Cha-Cha:).
Go, Ruth! She got to dance, too!
We tried to do a glow swim...wasn't exactly dark enough, but we tried.
Ruth still had fun with the balloons!

Opening her goody bag from Aunt Jill and cousin Bryce:).
She always enjoys these sorts of activities. 

Our favorite local ice cream place!

Ruth and Uncle Shaun had fun watching all sorts of videos!
It was hilarious to watch her in this lift chair...it kept her entertained for awhile on more than one occasion. 
This is what aunts are for:)...not moms:)...
Don't worry...she didn't get a gumball:).
Got to visit some of my high school girlfriends!
I love this picture...Ruth wanted to "hold him", I believe:).
Love this picture, too

Dinner with my friends...showing off our bumps:)
It's that time in life:)

Back to OH pics...
B-ball with her cousin!
Feeding the fish!
"the swing"
Love this picture!
This would be Ruth trying to sip lemonade off of that cup holder:).
Checking out the cool fish cousin Ben just caught:).