Monday, October 13, 2014

47 weeks!!

Such a fun weekend with Grandma and Grandpa!

They stayed and helped watch Ruth and clean so that I could pack!! HUGE HELP! 

A few more snuggles!

Thankfully, the B&B where we stayed had a high was from when one of the owners was little:)
It was fun to put her back in summer clothes!! I was able to get her 12 month summer clothes out, so she had some new outfits to where in NM!

DVD player fun! 
Yay for drawers!
Pulling out the pigtails again:)
She loved this table!
We were thankful for this little covered, fake grass area at the B&B.
Leftover pigtails:)
Playing at the convention center.
Playing again at the convention center:)
On a plane again...we just couldn't wait to be on a plane again (seriously, not meaning this sarcastically)...
I was excited to see how she would do being older. She still loved it!
We had to be careful as she was tempted to touch the heads in front of us or try to get hair:).
Our friends we got to spend time with!
Entertaining the babies:)
Beautiful NM  sunset!
Meeting Tom's uncle.
Ruth had a great time...can you see why? :)
Ruth made a quite a few friends at the convention center...especially Miss Lynn!
Playing in Old Town!
After the fiesta dinner! (the last night at the conference)
Lot-a-burger...local chain...I think....for breakfast burritos:).
Whatever keeps her entertained:)
It's the small things in life...
Playing with the stickers her grandma got for her to do on the plane. 

Gotta have snacks on the airplane! The trays were a huge help!
Hope they wipe them down well before the next flight...:)

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