Saturday, October 11, 2014

46 weeks!!

Our apple pie ended up receiving second place!!

Walker turned into a car...
She dumped all the water out of that jar and then played in our bedroom:).
See her wet shirt?
Reading her new favorite book and "smelling" the flowers!
She could read it again and again. In fact, sometimes we do just that!
Loves this little table! Her favorite thing is the alligator's mouth!
She likes my weights! She was trying to move or pick one up and was grunting because it was heavy:).
Reading her favorite book...again:)
She fell in love with this xylophone this week!
Can you tell?
In her own little world!
She is fascinated with the vacuum!
More exploring while I was doing some cleaning...
Welcome to WI Grandma and Grandpa!
Steak sandwich...they were delicious!!
Ruth fell in love with looking at pictures on Grandma's phone...especially that of tractors!
Lookin' cool!
Thank you, Grandma!
(I think this was her first time wearing little sunglasses.)
This was her face when Grandpa got out one of their treats for her...
This is what it was! She LOVED it!!
Grandma did LOTS of reading...
Grandpa taught her a new trick...
Getting to stand in the back seat while on the farm tour...
I'm pretty sure we were looking at a tractor here!

Too many things to look at besides the camera:)
These are the ladies Tom gets to work with every day...
I'm thinking I have no reason to be jealous:)
Grandma and Grandpa enjoyed the tour!
We all asked all sorts of questions.

This particular cow liked Grandma!
We came back from a date to this...
She LOVED playing with her tractor.

46 weeks!
More giggles!
She found Daddy's wallet:)
We all went to watch Daddy play basketball!
Ruth got to play, too!

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