Friday, June 27, 2014

30 weeks!!

Thank you to those who helped us set up!!
Our open house that we held at our church...we wanted to be able to say good-bye to our dear Ithaca friends!

We got to say good-bye to my work friends, too!
The cake was yummy and the spread was lovely! Getting to see everyone was even better!

Ruth, of course, loved the attention!
Tom and I even got a break for a bit;).
Thank you, CBE!!! I will surely miss you guys!
My work friends had a shower for Ruth and I later in the week. Ruth had a great time! Can you tell?
Ruth and one of my friends with Clover in the background (one of Ruth's new calves from the shower:)). 
Not sure why this picture is not flipping the correct way, but aren't these so cute?
These were the favors! Haystacks and cow chocolates!!
Quite the spread!!!
Adorable decor and yummy cow cupcakes!!

At the Senior Gala!


Tom received an award that night!
On our way to see our family in Washington D.C. for a few days!
Ruth enjoyed quite a few of her Veggie Tales DVD's.
Thank you, Granny!

Nighttime routine with Granny and Papa. 

Playing in D.C.
I think this was due to a pickle:).
Getting her Uncle Ben. She had fun playing with him!

This is Ruth's take on shopping in a hardware store.
I like how she thinks!
Ruth's baby cousin is only a few weeks away from joining our family. Can't wait to meet him or her!
 We drove a few hours while in D.C. to meet up with some of Tom's mom's side of the family. It was special to get everyone together!! I had never met any of them.
We met at McDonald's so that the kids could play!

 Have I ever mentioned the trick that Tom and Ruth like to do together?
This is it. Yes, he is balancing her on one hand. I'm thinking about submitting it to a circus:).

All the brother's together! We had a great visit with our family!

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