Friday, March 28, 2014

Week 20

Size: We used the scale at my in-laws to try to figure out her weight. I forget what we measured, but she was well over 15 lb. (I got on the scale alone, and then I got on holding her). 

New things: She thoroughly enjoyed playing with herself in the mirror this week. She squealed at herself, "kissed" or tried to eat herself, reached out to herself, and flapped her arms and legs in excitement. It was quite cute. 
Ruthie also received a car-compatible DVD player from her Grandma Cully that we tried out this week on our trip to WI (more below) since Ruth still doesn't enjoy riding in the car. As soon as we turned it on for the first time, she quieted down. 
Fun things: Ruthie got to spend another day visiting Grandma and Grandpa Cully in Ohio! We played cards, ate lunch and dinner together, and visited. 
Ruthie quite enjoyed the airport scene...noises, lights, signs, people...what's not to love? 
Ruthie got to meet some of our dear friends that live near Chicago this week. It was soooo special to see them and for them to meet Ruth! 
Ruthie and I went to a cupcakery in WI. Their cupcakes were delicious!! We got one for Tom, too...didn't want to leave him out. 
Ruthie loves: "Getting" people...especially her daddy. It's so cute!
Sucking in air to make a high-pitched squeal sound! 
The remote at Grandma and Grandpa Cully's. 
Being able to sit/stand on my lap when we drive around the farms. She enjoyed looking at everything, including the black and white cows:). 
Playing with/eating my jewelry. My bracelets were a good source of entertainment on some of our long nights. 
The cups on the airplanes...just her size. 
She also likes the trays on the planes...perfect for her to play with all of her toys.
She also like the magazines and safety manuals that are in the pockets on the back of the seats. 

Looking back at all the people on the airplanes and talking/playing with the people. She made lots of friends. 
Spoons! She loves putting them in her mouth!
Sleep: Ruthie struggled with going to bed the first part of the week, and then did better the latter part of the week because she was so tired. Her naps in WI were rough as well. I resorted to swinging her in a bed sheet to get her to sleep...whatever works! Ruthie was able to fall asleep in the car after crying, but she only slept for about 30 min each nap. She also was able to fall asleep on the plane but only for about 30 min as well. We had to be creative with getting her to fall asleep on the plane/at the airport. We got many "We've been there/we understand" looks and smiles:). 
Airport napping was hit or miss as we'd get her to doze off, and then someone would say something over the intercom and wake her up:). At least we tried. 
Mom and Dad: We had a couple of days visiting my family and Tom's family, and then we headed for WI for an interview. We stopped to spend the night near Chicago with some of our friends (1st time seeing their place), had dinner, caught up, and just enjoyed one another's company. The following day, we met up with one of our dear professor friends in Madison and enjoyed Culver's (originated in WI). Then we headed near the Green Bay area for our interview. We enjoyed dinner with most of the owners of the practice (Ruthie did so well considering they were an hour behind, and it was past her bedtime anyway). Tom rode around the with the vets for the next couple of days, and Ruthie and I ventured out just a bit. We also all three drove around Green Bay. 
On our way back to Indiana, we stopped at a farm in WI to interview there as well. We toured the farm and the area. 
We got in late Saturday night, got online and bought tickets, and my dad drove us to the airport the next day mid-morning for our flight to TX!
We arrived in TX late evening, met up with the vet, his family, and a few others, ate dinner, and visited for a bit. Again, Ruthie was a champ! She flew on two airplanes and did well on both flights. Plus, we still had a hour drive to our destination from the airport. Go, Ruthie!
And the adventure continues...
Thank you, Lord, for: That Ruth did so well on the plane, for interviews, and that we were able to travel as a family. 

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