Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Week 18

Size: ?? 

New things: Playing (kicking) in the bathtub! YAY!!
Fun things: Ruthie got to go to her one of her great aunt's for dinner. We also stopped in to see Grandma Lewton at Bible Study so that Grandma could show her to her friends there. 
Ruthie also got to go back to college with her Aunt Payge for dinner. I don't think I had to hold her until we left:). 
Ruthie got to spend Saturday morning with Grandma and Grandpa while I met a friend at the YMCA to work out. I had a great time, and so did Ruthie...especially since she got out of taking a nap:). 
Aunt Maddy made Ruthie an outfit for her to wear at a basketball game on Friday night (Maddy cheers). Ruthie was all decked out (pictures below). They had already started playing/cheering when we arrived, and it was a bit much for Ruthie as she started crying:). She was quite overstimulated there...so much noise and so many things at which to look!
Ruthie and I met Grandma and Grandpa Cully in a nearby town for a little bit this week...got a coffee, chatted, and played. 
Ruthie loves: Turning the pages on books. 
The Sid Shuffle...look it up on YouTube:).
Her new walker. She can touch the floor and reach the toys. 
The decorations at Chinese Restaurants (random but true).
Sleep: Ruthie doesn't seem to need to eat each time she wakes up throughout the night...just a bit of rocking or cuddling, and she'll go back to sleep! 
Mom and Dad: We picked Tom up from the airport this week! It was so nice to have him back, and then he headed to his next stop in Indiana. Ruthie loved seeing her daddy this weekend. She definitely knew who he was!
Ruthie and I also got to go visit Grandma Lewton during her lunch time and Aunt Maddy as well again this week! We also enjoyed visiting with some of our family on Sunday night who came over just to visit. 
It was SUPER special to get to watch Maddy cheer (the first time we've seen her). She did a fabulous job!!
I also enjoyed getting caught up with my friend at the Y. I'm really grateful for that time together. 
Thank you, Lord, for: A safe journey back for Tom and some quality time as a family before he headed on again. 

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