Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Week 11

Size: Won't have an update on this for awhile. 
New things: Hands in the mouth LOTS more! I think she's beginning to use them to help self soothe a little! 

Opening her mouth to take her Vitamin D as opposed to us having to hold the syringe up to her gums for a bit before she would open up.
Cloth diapers! We are almost out of disposables, so we made the switch and have been using the disposables at night.
Using her hands to get what she wants...whether it's touching toys, getting them closer to her mouth, or actually putting them in her mouth. She hasn't completely discovered how to use them, but she is really working hard at it. It's fun to watch her concentrate, work hard at it, and discover with each step forward.  
We're working on rolling over, too, and she's making progress!
Fun things: We got to go over to some friends' house for dinner last week, and Ruthie did a great job sleeping there! Yay, Ruthie! 
We got to go walk around the mall with some friends this week! It's nice to have a place to walk that's so close since it's cold outside. 
Ruthie loves: Eating all her toys. 
Staring at people. 
She still loves her Christmas tree. If she's fussing in the evening, we'll turn it on for her, and she'll calm down and sigh...we've determined it is our second most valuable possession next to the swing. 
Reading book while on her changing table. 
Funny faces and weird noises. 
Sleep: Ruthie is doing awesome. She still gets up consistently (around the same times) each night but goes back to bed easily (we don't have to get out of bed at all). We are getting good sleep and enjoying the consistency. We've been doing a bed time routine for quite a few weeks now. Ruthie is also putting herself to sleep more during her naps. She'll protest a little and drift off to sleep. We're so proud of her!
Mom and Dad: Ruthie has gotten to spend time with her daddy around breakfast time (we're waking up earlier nowadays)! That's been nice!! 
Still learning lots and working as a team. Thank you, Lord, for: How amazing our bodies and minds are...it's just so cool to watch Ruthie discover and learn how to do things. It truly is a miracle that we develop how we do. I can't imagine what is going on in that little brain of hers; what an amazing process worthy of His praise.

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