Sunday, August 25, 2013

32 weeks (less than 2 months to go!)

How's momma feeling: Still chucking along! We had another appointment this week. We got to hear baby's heart beat (around 140), and I was measuring 31 cm, so we're doing good! It's been busy at work - long days, but that means more time saved up for Dr. appts., a few days off before baby, or more time after baby:). I've gotten back into the routine of cooking on the weekends recently, so it's nice to only warm up things once we get home and not have to cook a whole meal. It helps a lot! I also can't be on my feet for hours on end without taking a break to sit. A couple hours only at a time; otherwise, my feet and back start to ache a bit. 
Size of baby: About 3.75-4 lbs. and 16-19 inches long. She's about the size of a jicama (no clue what this thing is) or a small watermelon (now this I understand). She now has hair (or peach fuzz) and might be practicing opening and closer her eyes, swallowing, sucking, and breathing!
Cravings: Whole milk. I've been buying 1%, but I broke down last week and bought one 1% and one 2% (we go through a lot of milk). We opened the 1% first, and I was just waiting all week to get my hands on the 2%. Also, the week before, stuffing was sounding good...weird, right? I made some, and it was yummy!!
Aversions: Nothing this week.
Sleep: Better this week! If I sleep diagonal in the bed, I seem to sleep better, and when I use my full body pillow all the way down to my feet, that seems to help a bit too. Potty breaks are still off and on, but if I do have to get up to go, it's only once. I had a few leg cramps during the night this week; following, I've just made sure that I get plenty of calcium and haven't had them when I do (maybe why I'm craving milk?!?!:)). 

Clothes: Still no luck on the comfy shoes. I put on a dress this week that I haven't worn in quite a few weeks/months, and I couldn't pull it off (not maternity but just a flowing dress). Guess I'll have to store that one away for a while:). This week, I also enjoyed a pair of new yoga pants my mom brought for me when they visited. COMFY!! 

Exercise: No Zumba this week:(. Our students come back soon, so the fitness class schedule is changing. I hope to still be able to go to a class or two this fall...maybe even something different than Zumba. Still had some nice workouts at the gym though.  
Looking forward to: A couple weekends with no plans!! 
Something fun: Another fun week!

Saturday...maternity pictures (so much fun!), parenting/mentoring class, and a wedding reception. Sunday...we got to meet up with our Honduras team for dinner!! It was so nice to see all of them and to catch up on everyone's summers/lives. I miss them!! 
We started a new birthing class this week. We had a make-up class on Monday night and the real class on Thursday night (that's a lot of birthing "stuff" in one week:)). Our instructor is super sweet, and we appreciate what we are taking away from it. The class definitely has an "Ithaca" flair to it, but it's good for us, and we've gotten to meet some community people too! I also got to catch up with one of my friends from the vet school this week. We met up at Starbucks and had a nice time together. It was great to see her (now that Tom is in rotations, it's harder to see our vet friends on a consistent basis because everyone's schedules are so different). It was nice that we got to see so many this week!
FYI: Did anyone notice that I think I've been putting inches rather than cm for my measurements?!? Oops! Ha! Ha! When I stop to think of it, it makes complete sense...not sure why I didn't realize that before. 

The stroller is in the back of the car now! It looks so cute back there:). 
 Thank you, Lord, for: A supportive husband. He is so good to me and is going to be such a wonderful dad. He drops me off and picks me up from work. He runs errands, helps with dinner/lunches/laundry, rubs my back, and is going to all the appointments/classes/sessions that he is able to go to. Isn't he just wonderful?

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