Ruth can stand on her tiptoes. She'll do it if you ask her or just do it on her own and say, "tip toes".
Ruth will sometimes call me "mom", instead of "mommy". Not sure where that came from. It's kind of funny.
Ruth loves "holding hands"...she will say "Mommy, hand" which means she wants me to hold her hand while we walk somewhere.
Ruth used my keys to "lock" our front door:). Said "lock door" while she did this. It kept her entertained for a bit.
She points to herself and says "me" when she wants to go with you somewhere. Super cute!
When counting randomly on her own or even when asked to count something, she'll go "1, 2, 8, 9, 10". :)
Ruth loves having "tea parties" with us...we have "treats" (pretzels, fruit chews, peppers, nuts, banana chips) at our tea party and "tea" (water:)). For a couple of our tea parties, I put a bit of whipped cream in the "cream" cup. She LOVED it, of course. After going to the kitchen to get more "tea", I returned to see her eating the cream straight out of the cup! Haha! I also used flavored water for our tea one time...she also really enjoyed that! We'll call each other "ma'am" while we're having our tea parties, so I'll say, "would you like more tea, ma'am", so she'll start to say, "more tea, ma'am" herself. It's cute!
Ruth has been staying up later and then sleeping in and waking up later. It's kind of nice in the mornings...just doesn't leave much time in the evenings to do much after putting her to bed.
Ruth has been taking showers! They're a lot faster than baths...that's for sure!
Ruth is starting to say "bless you" (when someone sneezes), excuse me (for when she passes gas:)), and "Mommy, ______, please" (when she wants something) more on her own without being prompted!!
Ruth has been "allowing" us to read books all the way through again...she's able to sit and listen the whole time without just wanting to flip through the pages!! Yay! Makes it way more enjoyable to read books!
Ruth is able to sit through and listen longer at story time at the library!! This is how we learn!
Ruth is starting to use "sentences" now!! If she wants something, without being prompted, she will sometimes say, "Mommy ________ please". Or if she needs help, she now knows she has to say, "Mommy help, please" instead of just saying "stuck" (if something is stuck) or "Mommy" (signifying she needs me). She hasn't said this one on her own yet but if I ask her how she needs to ask, she'll remember and say it herself.
During one of our Skype dates with my side of the family, Ruth asked for pretzels (this is her new thing to ask my mom for), and my mom showed them a bag she has ready for her when she visits next. Ruth said "hold it" and reached out for the bag and was trying so hard to get her hands on the bag through the computer screen. She started saying "stuck, stuck". It was rather cute and sad all at the same time. If only technology worked that way...or maybe not...
Ruth has been raising her voice, repeating, or trying to repeat more clearly if she thinks I don't understand what she has said to me (this is even though I have understood, told her no, told her I understand, and why it's no:)). Guess she thinks it's worth trying in another form! (PS...not that we allow her to get away with the above; just sharing what she's interesting part of development, for sure).
Ruth's second 2nd year molar is coming in (may be why she had a runny nose this month).
Ruth can say she is one and a half when asked how old she is. She'll say "one...half".
Ruth is really into school buses and motorcycles. We listen for them as they are driving by and watch for them in the van and while outside swinging.
Ruth can say 'tic tac toe' and connects that to 'upstairs'...I think signifying we had to go up the stairs of the playground to get to the tic tac toe toy.
This month, we celebrated Earth Day at the library during our weekly story hour. Ruth's favorite part was the dirt cup she received at the end of the event...pudding, cookies, gummy worms...she ate the entire cup by herself, was covered in "dirt", and was evening using her hands and fingers to scrape as much out of the cup as she could...she is a Cully after all! It was a true treat for her!
On Easter Sunday (or maybe the Sunday before), we sang the song "Alleluia", and then we sung it again a week or two later. I also put in a new tape in the van for us to listen to, and one of the songs happened to be an "alleluia" song. Ruth realized this and told me "alleluia". Then when we sang it in church for the 2nd time, she recognized it again! I don't remember if I emphasized the "alleluia" the first time we sung it as I'm not sure why this stood out and "clicked" for her, but it did! She loves her "Alleluia" song!
Ruth has been wanting to hold our hands more than usually when walking beside us (or someone else...such as her grandparents)'s really cute
We took a 3 day trip back to Indiana/Ohio this month for my sister's nursing pinning ceremony! We got to see both sides of the family which was very special and fun. Ruth did so well traveling both ways!! We're so proud of her; she's come along way in terms of riding in the vehicle!!
Ruth really enjoyed "marching" with my mom...I'm not sure if she taught her that while we were there or if it's something she was aware of and so them doing it triggered her memory?! I think we've marched before, but it definitely blossomed while on this trip as she wanted to march with Tom's parents, too, while at their place. It has become a normal thing she does now randomly...especially when walking with people.
While in Indiana...
Ruth would sometimes (more often than not) call my sister's boyfriend "Morgan" instead of "Jordan". She has a little friend that she sees at basketball named "Morgan", and she made the name connection on her own randomly...she knows both of their names, but for some reason, she refers to him first as "Morgan" most of the time. Interesting how her brain is working there.
Ruth also still sometimes gets my sisters names mixed up...more often, she'll call Aunt Payge, Aunt Maddy...not sure why. We can't seem to figure it's only sometimes. I think a couple times she's called Aunt Maddy, Aunt Payge. Again, who knows what's going on in that little brain!
While in Ohio:
Ruth said "wow" a lot...not sure where this stemmed from, but she used it quite a bit!
Ruth still loves...swinging, kitties, cereal (could eat all day every day!...but don't worry, I don't let her...we're talking Cheerios and cornflakes here...nothing too special). She usually gets it for breakfast when Daddy is home:).
We share a garage with our neighbors...who had two kids. When we go out into the garage to get into the van or return home from somewhere, Ruth will say "Teganzander (she says their names as one:)) bicycles, balls, no touch" or something to that effect as she knows she's not allowed to touch their things. This has become a regular part of us getting in the van. It's cute! At least she "knows" she's not supposed to touch their stuff!
Ruth knows her colors, although, sometimes, she'll still get a little confused. She knows, blue, green, yellow, orange, red, pink, purple, and black, I believe.
knows her colors; sometimes still gets them a little confused
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