Monday, September 8, 2014

44 weeks!!

Guess what Ruth is looking at?
:) Yup...this!
And she quite enjoyed it!!
Sending a kiss your way!
Sorry, it's turned the wrong way. 
Just a reminder that Ruth loves this case your forgot since the last post!
The cookies we made for our housemates!
Ruth really liked the sprinkles!
Really see?
I love this picture!
Ruth with "her" dog!
Ruth watching her dog. She may have been signing for her to "come".
Ruth waving to her shadow. She LOVES our shadows!
Oh, and she still LOVES her swing, too!

I attempted to put her hair in pigtails again, and it worked! 

 Love this look...
 Getting in a nap before a big day at the county fair!

 I'm pretty sure this is peanut butter toast:). One of her favorites!
 County Fair 2014
Ruth loves Bobcats, so we checked this one out.
Some girl also gave her the little toy as she won it but didn't want it.

 Watching the tractor pull from a distance just for a bit. They both love tractors:).

 Family date at the fair!

 She loved riding the little tractors!
Can't wait till she can make them go herself:)

 We got to check out the train exhibit!
Tom and Ruth especially enjoyed!

 Animal time!

 Love the cheeks here:)

 Cake auction!
We got this one for only $10!!

 All sorts of goodies!!

 Ruth entertaining herself with a water bottle:)

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