Tuesday, April 29, 2014

6 months!!

6 months and 1 day:)

Had to have some entertainment!

I love this face!
Loves grabbing the camera cord!

Love the hands...and the face!
See those teeth??

So hard to get non-motion pictures!
Our little 6 month old!

Week 26

Size: She's slowly starting to grow out of 3-6 month clothing. We got out her 6-9 month clothing this week and started wearing a few things! 

New things: Above her changing table, I have a board that I decorated with cards from friends and family concerning Ruth. Ruth, for a long time, enjoyed looking at the different items, but now she grabs, pulls, off, eats, etc. them. I forgot to mention that over the last couple of weeks I have been slowing moving the items up to the top of the bulletin board, and, finally, this week they came down. I was wondering when they day would come. It was a fun/special board while it lasted!! 
Trying to twist and reach over her head on her changing pad to get to her Easter basket (which holds wipes, comb, etc.).
She actually was able to turn over completely for the first time this week. She turned over before just not on her changing table. 
I discovered her thighs are ticklish, too! So cute!
We learned about the letter P this week. Some of the things we associated with learning about P: We checked out Ping Pong on YouTube, drew "p" items with her new chalk, played with Pete the Monkey and Play-Doh, did puzzles, and went to the park. 
We started practicing being up on all fours. She can't put herself into that stance, but she can hold herself up on all fours if I put her in that position. She doesn't move a muscle hardly! It's like it's a whole new world to her, and she's not quite sure if she likes it or not. She's not sure what to do. 
I also noticed this week that she can take steps. I think Tom had said he noticed this before, but with me holding her hands, she was able to walk a bit (not quickly or like a walking baby would but still taking steps). 
Ruthie laughed at little toddlers this week. On a couple of our play dates, she was around children just a year or so older than her, and she found them and playing with them funny! It was precious! 
Fun things: Ruthie continues to get excited when Tom is home. This week, she got so excited that she was almost slap happy. Tom would have her, and I would just look at her and say something such as "Who has you?", and she would start cracking up! We did it over and over again. She was having a swell old time! (Note: She does not laugh at me like that when Daddy is not home. Daddy must just brighten her entire mood!!)
One of my friends from work that I haven't seen in a while came over one night this week just to catch up! It was so good to see her. We enjoyed some frozen yogurt, playing with Ruth, and just chatting!
We had a few friends over for play dates this week! We also got to go to the park with some friends for a walk. It was a beautiful day to do so!
We went to some friends, too, for a play date who we hadn't seen since being back. It was a nice visit! 
We had some our friends over this weekend for dinner. Lovely company! Ruth enjoyed the company as she always does! 
Ruth and I had one of my friends from work and her family over on Saturday night. They brought Thai, and I made brownies, and we played on the floor with our little ones and caught up. It was a nice time. Our first time meeting her husband and little son. 
Ruth got to go to her first baby shower this weekend. She enjoyed all the ladies and kids that were there and did wonderful even though it was past nap time:). 
Ruthie loves: Bubbles! We've been playing with the bubbles she got for Easter! She enjoys watching them blow away!
Boxes: I was at Aldi and needed to box the groceries, and Ruth was tired of being in the carrier, so I put her in one of the boxes, and she just sat in there with her headband and my necklace and entertained herself. She had a great time! (the behind us in line were trying to figure out where she went; I turned the box toward them, and they got a good chuckle out of the situation)
Being carried in the Ergo carrier. I'll put her in it at night if she's getting tired, and we'll walk around and sing or go outside or dance. It's calming and relaxing for her. 
Sleep: Basically the same. She's still putting herself to sleep at night and for naps. Working on nap schedule and the best bedtime/wake-up time. She's falling asleep in the car and still taking a good nap when we leave her in her car seat in the room (she wakes up easier {and doesn't necessarily want to go back to sleep} if we transfer her from the car seat to her bed). 
Mom and Dad: Still a busy rotation for Tom. I've been doing lots of planning for the move, planning for events/dates to take place before the move, etc. Still working on finding an apartment and vehicle (options though!). Tom had a little time off this weekend to run me around town for a few errands.
Thank you, Lord, for: Our dear friends who have been helping to watch Ruth and transport us. It has been such a huge help and blessing during this "unique" time. THANK YOU!!!!

26 weeks!!

Playing with an item she got off her board!
Moving up the board. Now it's completely clear!
Play date!
Ready for spring in her little skirt!

First time flipping over on her changing pad. She was trying to get her Easter basket:)
Making a birthday card for Grandpa Lewton
This was her favorite part!
I put stickers on her tray, and she enjoyed trying to get them off!
1st time playing with Play-Doh! She liked it!
Holding herself up on all fours!
And not moving a lick!
Play date! Being tickled and loving it!

A bonnet and jacket that some of my students made for Ruth...so cute!

Playing with water on the tray!
Fun with Daddy!
26 weeks!
Time with friends

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Week 25

Size: ??

New things: She enjoys her hair being stroked while feeding. 
We've started focusing on a letter of the alphabet each week. This week was B...we baked, went to a basketball game, went to a breakfast, and did lots of other things related to B. It's just something to help structure/guide our weeks. 
Babysitters over the course of feedings (it's been awhile since we've done that). 
Fun things: Ruthie has been getting super excited when Tom gets home from school. She smiles, squeals, and flaps her arms. It's precious! Tom goes into the bathroom to wash his hands first, and she watches him exit and starts to fuss/cry for him. What a great way to be welcomed home!
We had a friend come over to help us make Easter sugar cookies! Ruth had a great time watching, playing with sprinkles, and playing in her highchair while we worked away. 
One of my friends and her new little one came over this week. This was our first time to meet him! We enjoyed their company and getting to catch up!
We got to go to the vet school's annual staff vs. faculty basketball game this week! Ruth wore her tootoo that her Aunt Maddy made for her with her vet bib and her Cornell shirt. She was all decked out for the occasion. She quite enjoyed the activity of the game but jumped almost every time the crowd cheered.  
Ruth got to go with me to work a little this week to see everyone. It was so much fun!
Ruthie and I got to go to the Easter breakfast and egg hunt at church. She participated in the egg hunt but wasn't really interested in the eggs at all. She was, however, very interested in the food. Someone was holding her, talking to someone else, and Ruth was eyeballing/making noises toward the other person's plate of food:). 
We enjoyed a lovely service at church on Easter Sunday; had a wonderful lunch with some dear friends (along with an egg hunt); and enjoyed some family time and our own egg hunt in the evening. We also got to go on a nice walk as a family on Easter. It was a GORGEOUS day!
Ruthie loves: She has liked this for awhile, but she loves to hang her head upside down. For example, if I'm sitting and she's on her back on my thighs, she enjoys having her head hanging down my knees. She'll do it multiple times in a row or just hang there for awhile. It's funny:). 
Attention! She loved being around all my students! She was tired and hungry but went right to them and just loved the interaction. 
Her Easter basket! I had a little basket that I turned into her Easter basket by adding ribbons. It was fun! She kept trying to get her hands on it while I was working on it. 
Our friend Miss Hannah who helped us make the cookies this week. She played with and sang to her. Ruth REALLY enjoyed her company!
Sleep: Still going well! Still working on a nap schedule. She's falling asleep in the car so well now...which can be nice and not so nice at the same time (such as when she falls asleep, and we're on our way to put her down for a nap). But we'll take it because she's at least falling asleep easily!!
Mom and Dad: Still a busy rotation for Tom. He sure did enjoy the basketball game this week, though! He was able to get off for Easter, too!! I went in to work a few days this week to help cover. It was so nice to see everyone. Some of our dear friends were willing to watch her for us. She took a bottle the first time around; a bit the second time around; and not at all the final time around. She learned! 
Thank you, Lord, for: Being able to see my friends from work again! It was just nice to see them all again! What a blessing work has been to us these past few years!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Flowers Ruth picked for me on Easter:)!!
Easter Sunday

Ruth during another egg hunt
The egg hunt we did for her

Daddy did a great job finding the eggs...haha!
She really wasn't interested in the eggs...hardly at all!

She did like her basket, though! BUBBLES!!
New shoes for graduation...black and white...what's not to love?!
And Easter book!
Chalk!! (Can you tell I'm excited about warm weather and playing outside?!)
The Easter basket I "made" her (decorated). She LOVES it!! (she also enjoyed the grass inside of it)
Tom found his Easter treat!
This was her favorite thing about her Easter basket...the tag on her new shoes:)!!
I found my Easter treat!
Egg hunt at our friends'!
Watching her new friend during the egg hunt