Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Week 17

Size: ?? But I have been told by a few people recently that she has long fingers. Basketball play?
She also grew out of a pair of 3-6 month shoes. I'm finding that shoe size is not accurate, though, but still...that means she's growing up!
New things: Shaking her arms and legs when she gets excited!!
Playing peek-a-boo. She has played this with us on more than one occasion now. It's funny.
Ruthie sat up for over a minute this week on her own!! She really likes to sit and stand. 
More fussing and less crying in the car. 
Using her hands like CRAZY...there's little to no hesitation when she wants to get her hands on something. I realized we are at a new stage when she got her hands on my bowl at dinner the other night and almost pulled it off the table. She can focus in on small objects, too, like zippers and wants to get her hands on them. It's so cool to watch her!!
Fun things: Ruthie got to see her great grandma Lewton this week! She also got to see many of her extended family members as well. 
I showed Ruthie a small Christmas tree at her grandma's and then walked away from it. She looked back at it and made a noise. I was surprised as I didn't think she would care, but I think she definitely knew what it was. It was so cute...she loves Christmas trees!
Ruthie loves: Eating noses!
Spatulas...the rubber is fun to chew on!
Playing with kitchen items...lids especially!
Sleep: Ruthie is rocking going to sleep! I'm so proud of her and so grateful! She even seems to be doing better in the car and falling asleep in it more frequently. 
Mom and Dad: Tom is enjoying his time in the CA sunshine...lots of big farms out there - one after the other. I enjoyed spending time and catching up with friends and family this week. I got to go to a workout class with my sister (Ruthie loved watching!), enjoyed a Girls' Night with my high school friends, went to a family birthday party (haven't gotten to do that in a while), and also enjoyed going to church and seeing people!
Thank you, Lord, for: Time to visit with and see everyone without feeling rushed!! 

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