Thursday, February 27, 2014

4 months!!!!

Sorry that some of these are sideways...

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Week 17

Size: ?? But I have been told by a few people recently that she has long fingers. Basketball play?
She also grew out of a pair of 3-6 month shoes. I'm finding that shoe size is not accurate, though, but still...that means she's growing up!
New things: Shaking her arms and legs when she gets excited!!
Playing peek-a-boo. She has played this with us on more than one occasion now. It's funny.
Ruthie sat up for over a minute this week on her own!! She really likes to sit and stand. 
More fussing and less crying in the car. 
Using her hands like CRAZY...there's little to no hesitation when she wants to get her hands on something. I realized we are at a new stage when she got her hands on my bowl at dinner the other night and almost pulled it off the table. She can focus in on small objects, too, like zippers and wants to get her hands on them. It's so cool to watch her!!
Fun things: Ruthie got to see her great grandma Lewton this week! She also got to see many of her extended family members as well. 
I showed Ruthie a small Christmas tree at her grandma's and then walked away from it. She looked back at it and made a noise. I was surprised as I didn't think she would care, but I think she definitely knew what it was. It was so cute...she loves Christmas trees!
Ruthie loves: Eating noses!
Spatulas...the rubber is fun to chew on!
Playing with kitchen items...lids especially!
Sleep: Ruthie is rocking going to sleep! I'm so proud of her and so grateful! She even seems to be doing better in the car and falling asleep in it more frequently. 
Mom and Dad: Tom is enjoying his time in the CA sunshine...lots of big farms out there - one after the other. I enjoyed spending time and catching up with friends and family this week. I got to go to a workout class with my sister (Ruthie loved watching!), enjoyed a Girls' Night with my high school friends, went to a family birthday party (haven't gotten to do that in a while), and also enjoyed going to church and seeing people!
Thank you, Lord, for: Time to visit with and see everyone without feeling rushed!! 

17 weeks!!

Getting to see her great grandma...and loving her patterned shirt!!
Ruthie's 1st bath in a bathtub!

Playing with her Grandpa Lewton
Still a drool machine...working on those teeth!

Ruthie got to see lots of family on Saturday!

17 weeks!!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Week 16

Size: ?!?!
New things: Ruthie sat up on her own for quite some time this week. 

More giggles!! 
She smiles so much more, too, now!!! I love it! 
She does not like laying down. If she's on her back, she will more than likely try to lift her top half up. (unless she's getting her diaper changed...she enjoys that!!)
Fun things: Ruthie got to see some cows at the dairy and quite enjoyed the black and white!! 
Ruthie got to hang out with Grandma and Grandpa while Tom and I went on a date for Valentine's Day!! Yay for dates!! She fell asleep for them watching trains with Grandpa. 
Ruthie got to see her Aunt Ruth and a dear friend on an afternoon trip we took. She also got to see her first "up-close" dog. She seemed to be confused about what the thing was. 
Ruthie loves: Having Mommy ride in the back of the car with her while others drive. 
Logos!!...on food items, clothing, etc. 
Her Grandma's coffee mug (hint the picture)...she loves the polka dots and chewing on it!
The Wheels on the Bus song!! We have made up many verses to that song in the past few weeks!
When I blow in her face:).
Sleep: Ruthie is still doing a great job with sleep. She goes down so well for naps and bedtime. Sleeping in the car was more difficult for her this week which meant some missed naps. But she has been so stimulated since being with family and going out and about that it doesn't really bother her that much. She loves seeing and doing!!
Mom and Dad: Tom had another great week at the dairy he's been externing at. Ruthie and I got to stay with him for a few days. (hints the pictures of her in the driver's seat with Daddy) We did a bit of exploring the area, went to an auction, and enjoyed meeting the farm's staff. We also got to do some cooking and baking for Grandma and was wonderful to cook in a big kitchen and one with a dishwasher:). 
Thank you, Lord, for: Getting to spend a few days at the farm with Tom!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

16 weeks!!!

Cooking with Mommy for Grandma and Grandpa!!
Don't's not full!
I think she's ready for her first cup of coffee though...what do you think?
Getting to visit some dear friends!
Aunt Ruth and Ruthie!!
Checkin' out the farm Daddy was working at...

Still love those cheeks!!
Tom and I got to go out for Valentine's!! Thank you, Grandma and Grandpa!
Visitors!! Ruthie and her cousin!
Ruthie and her cousin!

Week 15

Size: Not sure, but Ruthie seems to be long! A few people have commented on her "height". It's funny...I never really thought about having a "tall" kid. 
New things: Sitting up in high chairs at restaurants. We have to use coats and blankets to keep her propped up, but she enjoys sitting up because she can play and look at things. It's quite adorable! 

Riding forward facing in her stroller in a store...she rather enjoyed it, and it entertained her for quite some time. 
Fun things: Ruthie got to ride in the tractor with her grandpa. 
She got to meet some of her grandma's friends. 
Ruthie got to go to her aunt's church this week!
Ruthie loves: Her Grandpa's trains!!
Her Grandma and Grandpa's TV!!!
Helping Mommy in the kitchen. 
Riding in the little motorized scooters at the grocery store. 
Her aunt's worship team...lights, music, screens...she was in heaven!!
Sleep: Ruthie is rocking it! She still gets up during the night, but she goes down for her naps and even bed time very well! She also did a good job of falling asleep in the car this week. It made getting out and about much easier. 
Mom and Dad: Tom had a great experience on a farm this week, and I enjoyed putting around town with family to stores, the doctor, out to eat, and a cup cakery. 
Thank you, Lord, for: Ruthie doing so well with sleep!! It's such a blessing!

15 weeks...I'm almost starting to lose track!

Ruthie and Grandma picture of the week!
Hanging out with her Auntie! (and eyeballing that salad!!)

Playing with Grandma and Grandpa Cully
Ruthie's 1st pigtails!!

She LOVES her hands!
Hanging out with Daddy
Family picture! Gotta love Tom's shirt...compliments of Ruthie:)

Not just the hands go in the mouth...even bobble head Sheldons do, too!
Look what I found for only $9.97 at Walmart!! HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!