Saturday, November 2, 2013

She's here!! Welcome, RUTH NICOLE CULLY!!

Ruth Nicole Cully was born on Sunday, October 27th at 6:37 a.m.
Weight: 7 lb. 9 oz.
Length: 20 inches
Surprise feature: Head full of dark brown hair (we LOVE it)!!

Bit of the story...
Thursday night started not feeling well (cramping and back pain...I took this as a sign that I would be a back-laborer...I was correct).
Friday had an appointment; swiped membranes (sorry if that's TMI).
Friday night went for a walk.
Saturday walked around the mall for 2.5 hours.
Contractions were more frequent starting Saturday morning, picked up on our walk, and really picked up at about 4 p.m.
Called midwife at around 9 p.m.
Got to hospital about 10:30 p.m. - 6 cm dialated and definitely in active labor. There was a poor soul sitting in his car in the parking lot who had to experience watching me go through a contraction. He got out of the car to ask us if we wanted him to get us a sweet of him! Makes me chuckle just thinking about it...I knew I was drawing attention to myself but really didn't care at that point. It kind of makes you feel like you're in a movie!! People can't help but stare even though they aren't sure if they should or not.
Used the tub, the exercise ball, the floor. Tom was AMAZING!! It was super physically demanding on him as well, but he was by my side the entire time. Fun story...apparently he had to go to the bathroom for quite awhile but didn't want to leave me; he finally ran during a break in pushing because he just couldn't hold it any longer and was quite uncomfortable...maybe TMI again, but what an amazing guy! I could NOT have done it without him.
The midwife on call is not licensed in NY yet, so a doctor delivered Ruth. We had the doctor, the midwife, and two nurses by my side when pushing. THANK GOODNESS because I utilized all of them!
We are guessing I pushed for about an hour; it didn't seem like that long. In fact, it's amazing how quickly the time goes by. Although it feels like forever, before we knew it, it was morning time! Ruthie popped out in one big push (I don't think the doctor was expecting that; a little hard to catch) and was up in my arms immediately.
We love her to pieces. She's a very content, alert little girl, and a good eater too! We love all of her moves and squeaks and facial expressions. We love watching her sleep (we are so parents, aren't we?).
We are so grateful for a safe delivery and for the arrival of our 1st little one! She is just so precious.

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