Wednesday, November 27, 2013

One month old today!!

Our one month old little girl...
She's pretty excited herself:)

Showing off her biceps:)

I think she kind of looks like Grandpa Lewton here
And this is what Ruthie really thinks of taking one month pictures in this silly dress!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Week 4...

Size: We had another appointment yesterday (but not her 1 month appt; we'll have that in a couple more weeks). Ruthie is now 9 lb. 6 oz.!!! Woohoo! Go, Ruthie! And she gained a 1/4 of an inch, so that puts her at 22.25 inches long. 
New things: She has been able to turn her head toward my voice a few times during tummy time.
Practicing going to bed on our own:).  
We went to church for the first time this week since Ruthie was born. She got lots of cuddles. It was nice to be back. 
We're wearing 0-3 months clothing now (but can still fit in NB as well). That really expands the wardrobe! 
Fun things: We went for a walk around the mall with a friend and her 8 week old this week and got to practice breastfeeding in public...I don't think we embarrassed ourselves too much:). It was fun that both my friend and I are new to the whole thing, so we just helped and encouraged each other along the way. 
Ruthie got dressed up in her cow onesie and got to go to Daddy's senior seminar presentation this week (her first time to the vet school). She slept (and snored a bit) through the whole thing, but she was supporting Tom in spirit! 
I did Zumba this week and propped Ruthie up to watch me. She thoroughly enjoyed watching me entertain her. I tried to be a bit more exuberant than normal, and she watched me almost the entire time. 
Ruthie loves: Being carried around in her car seat. She'll stop crying as soon as you start moving her. 
She loves staring at her pink elephant, purple eggplant, and black and white cow. 
She enjoys tummy time on Daddy. 
She loves looking at the bulletin board next to her changing table (I cut out pictures of the cards people gave us and posted them up there). She'll just check them out while we're changing her. 
She loves staring at the sign on our wall (black and white) that reads "Tom and Olivia Cully. Est. July 30, 2011". It's cute!Sleep: Ruthie is still sleeping well at night. She has longer stretches of sleep here and there. She's pretty consistent with when she wakes up. Still working on the early morning part but definitely getting into more of an all-around routine with each week.  
Mom and Dad: Tom had his boards test and senior seminar presentation this week....big week for him! Both went well. A few days this week, I have gotten up about a 1/2 hour before Ruthie, and it helps in getting a few things done/getting myself ready for the day. Other days, I sleep in with her:). Almost 100% healed and feeling really well! 
Thank you, Lord, for: A growing little girl!! Our church family provided meals for us this week! How truly grateful we are! Everything was delicious!! 

4 weeks!!

Sleep face of the week...

Mommy wanted in on some picture action
Love the milk face!!
Yay for chubby cheeks:)
Dressed up in her cow outfit for Daddy's senior seminar presentation!

After Daddy's presentation

Helping Daddy write a paper for school
1st time to church outfit:)

Sunday afternoon nap;) (don't worry...she didn't actually sleep there)
"headband hair"

Monday, November 18, 2013

Week 3

Size: At her last peds appt. she weighed 8 lb. 7 oz. (almost a whole pound past her birth weight!!), and she was 22 inches long!
The PA we've been seeing things she will keep her hair and her bright eyes...we'll see?!?New things: Still trying to talk. She's getting some sounds out. 
She's not curling up in the fetal position as much:(...she's growing up! 
Her hair seems to be lightening just a bit, but she hasn't lost any. 
Fun things: Ruthie went shopping for the first time this weekend. She did a great job!!

I love her milk face after she's done eating. She usually has it running down her cheek and's so cute!
Last night, Tom was holding Ruth and was trying to get her to turn her head toward me. He kept turning her around, and right as he would, she would turn her head in the other direction. He did it multiple times, and she did it each time!
We've been able to get out and walk some using our stroller. Ruthie enjoys when I put one of the tires in the grass or rocks that are off the side of the road because that makes the ride more bumpy:). 
Ruthie loves: Practicing holding her head up, laying in the middle of one's chest, just looking at you and trying to talk, dancing around the apartment to music (it's in some of these moments we think a larger home would be nice:)). 
Sleep: Ruth is still only waking up about 2 times. We are grateful! She gets up again around 6 or 7, but I put her back to sleep, and she doesn't get up until about 9 or 10. She goes to bed between 10 and 11. 
Mom and Dad: We love working together as a team to care for our little girl. It's such a beautiful thing!! Couldn't do it without each other!
Thank you, Lord, for: Visitors! What a blessing it has been to share our little girl with our friends! It gives me something to look forward to (and do my hair/brush my teeth:)), and it blesses our day. Thank you, friends!!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

3 weeks old!

Sleep face of the of my favorites!
Ruthie loves her carriers!!
She enjoys laying propped up in the bobby, too!! 

Still trying to talk

Ruthie also enjoys her bouncy!

Leftovers from Ruth's 1st/2nd snow!!

:) I think we only have one left...we bought these to give to visitors at the hospital...
I hadn't taken a picture play on words!

She loves her new swing as well!

Monday, November 11, 2013