Friday, July 26, 2013

Pictures from this week...28 weeks!

Painted Pony Rodeo

My good-lookin' cowboy

We had a lot of fun!!

Our favorite cheap date night - a McDonald's 99 cent vanilla cone...
We we got one at like 1:00 in the morning on our way back from the rodeo (I had been napping but definitely woke up for this treat)!
Bull riding!
Our favorite was the bucking bronco part!

At the shower by the lake
This is the lake in our town...isn't it beautiful?

27 weeks and 5 days (that's baby's "closet" behind me) :)

Our OB-GYN - we are down to going 2 times a month now!

Hello, 3rd trimester!!

At the shower...playing the yarn game:).
This is the dress I mentioned in last week's blog...isn't it SUPER cute?
Yay for outlet protectors! Hadn't thought that far ahead yet...glad someone did!!

The student who got this didn't even know we are doing a cow-theme "nursery". He just went with the "animal" theme. Good work!! Isn't it cute?

28 weeks!!

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