Friday, July 26, 2013

Pictures from this week...28 weeks!

Painted Pony Rodeo

My good-lookin' cowboy

We had a lot of fun!!

Our favorite cheap date night - a McDonald's 99 cent vanilla cone...
We we got one at like 1:00 in the morning on our way back from the rodeo (I had been napping but definitely woke up for this treat)!
Bull riding!
Our favorite was the bucking bronco part!

At the shower by the lake
This is the lake in our town...isn't it beautiful?

27 weeks and 5 days (that's baby's "closet" behind me) :)

Our OB-GYN - we are down to going 2 times a month now!

Hello, 3rd trimester!!

At the shower...playing the yarn game:).
This is the dress I mentioned in last week's blog...isn't it SUPER cute?
Yay for outlet protectors! Hadn't thought that far ahead yet...glad someone did!!

The student who got this didn't even know we are doing a cow-theme "nursery". He just went with the "animal" theme. Good work!! Isn't it cute?

28 weeks!!

28 weeks...HELLO 3rd TRIMESTER!

How's momma feeling: The weather has cooled down this week, and it's been wonderful! I'm feeling great! I can still bend over (sometimes it takes me a couple "swings" to reach for things, and I can still shave my legs (TMI?), so I consider that to be a good thing. I'm measuring 28.5 inches (and I'm 28 weeks), so just about right on target (I'm grateful).
Size of baby: She's 2-2.5 lbs. and about 15-16 inches long. She's getting chubbier, too! She's about the size of a large eggplant (finally, a vegetable I know)! She's moving all around in there. One of my co-workers (friends) got to feel her the other day. When the midwife went to listen to her heartbeat yesterday, she kicked for her:).  

Cravings: Pancakes. I finally made some last night, but in trying to consider the health of my baby, I made whole wheat pancakes. They were good, bu they just weren't the same. Still filled me up, though!
: Pasta salads. I made a couple of homemade pasta salads, and I had a hard time getting them down this week. In fact, I packed them for lunch yesterday and just couldn't eat them.
Sleep: Since it's been cooler this week, I've actually woke up a little cold in the mornings, but I'm still sleeping great. I turn from side to side during the night, but it's nothing to mess up my sleep that much. I haven't had to get up to go to the bathroom consistently yet. I know this can come back in the 3rd trimester, so we'll see.
Exercise: Not sure why, but I had lots of energy to exercise yesterday. It was fun!I have really enjoyed stretching while pregnant. Before being pregnant, I disliked stretching, but now I actually WANT to. It feels good; I know it's good prep for labor and delivery and recovery. YAY for stretching!
I got a couple pair of shorts! I thought they would be good for our Boston trip. I think they will also come in handy this August. I'm definitely finding shirts that don't quite "cover" my belly. They hide it, but they aren't long enough to go around it:). You really have to be strategic when dressing as a pregnant person. If not, you'll miss the opportunity to wear some things!
Looking forward to: Our anniversary trip this weekend...two whole years!! Woohoo! We are going to Boston, Rhode Island, and Mystic, CT. It's going to be so much fun! Tom has never been to Boston, and neither of us have been to RI or CT, so it's going to be an adventure. Can't wait!
Something fun:
My students threw a baby shower or Tom and I this past weekend. We had it at a local state park by the lake. It was a PERFECT day to be outside! They all brought food, so there were lots of yummies - Nutella brownies, chocolate chip banana bread, Chalupas (funny story), homemade hummus, fun cupcakes, etc (in case you were all dying to know the food selection). One of the guys brought a game to play - he brought yarn, and each person had to cut off how much they think it would take to fit perfectly around my tummy. We had some close guesses and some really FAR OFF guesses too! Good thing I'm not one to get offended:). It was super fun! We just ate and enjoyed chatting. They were super generous, and we got some beautiful baby things.
FYI: I had my glucose test this week. I hadn't heard anything good about the orange stuff they  have you drink, so I was prepared for that. BUT, I actually liked it! I thought it tasted like Orange Crush. I think liking flavored drinks while pregnant helped too. I had  minutes to drink it, but I think I downed it in about a minute. They should have the results today.
Chalupas: One of my students has been calling our child Chalupa Batman (now Batgirl) all along and thinks that is what we should name her. It's a fun on-going joke around here. Again, when you start your 3rd trimester seems to vary, but I think 28 weeks is a safe bet. I'm saying I'm officially in the 3rd trimester (although, according to some, I may have been at 27 weeks and maybe others not until 29 weeks). Someone needs to come up with something "official":).
Thank you, Lord, for: For super supportive friends through this pregnancy...friends who send fun packages in the mail; friends who share their baby things; friends who throw amazing showers; friends who attend those showers; friends who come to visit; friends who email, text, or call to check in; friends who get excited to hear how we're doing; friends who are praying; friends who send encouraging Scripture, messages, or cards; friends who have us over for dinner to talk babies; friends who get excited to see my growing tummy...FRIENDS! Love you all! {We helped pack up two "sets" (not sure how to say that) of friends this week. Although it's sad to say good-bye, we're excited for what lies ahead for all of you! We'll miss you, but are grateful that you were (and will continue to be) in our lives!}

Friday, July 19, 2013

Pictures from this week...27 weeks!

From the garden tea party!!

:) (I only had one)
A little pregnant humor...I'm 26 weeks and 2 days here. (On our way home from church)

This word has a whole new meaning now. I can only imagine what those driving by thought. 

We're growing (so are the apples behind us:))!

27 weeks!

Love the shirt, Cuz!

Switching up my pose a bit:)...ha!

27 weeks...3 months to go!

How's momma feeling: Hot but great!
Size of baby:
She's around 2 lbs. and 14.5 inches long (about the size of a head of cauliflower). She was going crazy in there the other night. Some of the biggest bumps and jumps I've seen/felt yet. It was fun! I still just love watching her. She's moving as I type! Also, apparently her brain is very active now.
Cravings: Nothing is coming to mind. I did get some fresh, homemade sandwiches last night. I had three:); they were amazing! I was so excited to eat them!
Aversions: Not really an aversion but I wasn't really craving or wanting sweets this week...can't believe it. Nothing short of a miracle! Also, I usually love pizza (pregnant or not), but I had an opportunity to eat some this week, and I wasn't really interested...I'll take whatever I can get!
Sleep: We have a fan running in our room and that helps a lot! Maybe just one night of weird up to go to the bathroom once, but other than that, I'm sleeping great! My weird dreams are gone, and I don't have to regularly get up in the middle of the night for potty breaks. I'm grateful!
Exercise: Made it to Zumba this week and am still able to keep up which I am super grateful for! Walking to work and back in the morning has proven to be quite toasty...I'm usually quite sweaty by the time I get to work. I change into workout clothes by the end of the day to walk back to the car because it's even more hot by then. I just try to chug a water as I walk.
Clothes: One of my friends got me an adorable gray/white striped dress (you know who you are) as a shower gift...I wore it twice already this week:). I love it!! Wish I would've gotten a picture in it. I'm sure I'll be wearing it plenty more times, so a picture is yet to come!

Looking forward to: RODEO!! Tom met a rodeo owner during one of his rotations, and he told us to give him a call if we planned on going to one, and he would "take of care of us" (so to speak) we did! Call us rednecks, but we are super excited!! I just hope I can find my cowgirl boots:).
Something fun: We got to go over to some friends' home (from the vet school) for dinner last week. We met their 7 month old and just had a nice time catching up. We had some super yummy potatoes and sausages that looked grilled...since I love the smell/look of grilled items and potatoes, it was a meal made in heaven!
I also got to go to a garden tea party this past weekend. A friend and I, along with her little one, went. It was fun (hot but fun)! Pretty dresses, big/fun hats, croquette, and dainty finger was quite the party!
FYI: We made progress on getting everything put away/organized from the showers. It takes a long time:). It's so much fun seeing all of her little outfits hanging up...lots of pink!!
We've been reading those books to her at night that everyone so generously gave to us at the showers...thank you! Thank you!

Thank you, Lord, for: Time to read this week. It's been a blessing.
Some of our friends loaned us a book called "Kisses from Katie", and I need to return it soon, so I'm trying to "power read". I haven't been able to read this consistently in a while, so it's been refreshing, and I've learned about motherhood through it as well. We're also starting to read "Sacred Parenting". We LOVE "Sacred Marriage", so we're excited about this one too. I've already learned from it. 

More shower pictures...

We're due just 5 days apart!

Shower planners!! They did an amazing job!!!

Cow tails...strawberry and chocolate...what a great idea!

"Ice breaker" type game...don't ask (it was hilarious though!)

Isn't this just so cute?

The creator of the creative buddy!

Non-belly angle...these are rare when pregnant:)

Another one of my amazing to see her beautiful daughter as well!

Auntie Payge and Auntie Maddy...they were troopers the whole day!

Friday, July 12, 2013

26 weeks...

Camera was dead when we went to take pictures this morning (wonder why?:)), so I charged it on the way to work, and Tom snapped this outside of my building when he dropped me off:)...haha!

Fun-Packed Weekend!

My wonderful mom and aunt who helped put this shower together!

Guess when you think Olivia will have her little girl?? I wonder who will win?

Isn't this just beautiful? A dear friend made these cupcakes for the shower! She did such an amazing job! THANK YOU!!

The blanket my mother-in-law made for baby!! Isn't it beautiful?

We love books!!

The shower planners/ beautiful sisters!!

After the wedding!
Tom got to open a few gifts:). This one was from our cousin...we loved it. He was so sweet to get something for our little girl!

Celebrating Tom's birthday with the family! Yay for apple pie!

A close-up of the cute, right?

Doesn't this look like it's from a magazine? It's so beautiful!

I am so exited about the JumpUp...can't you tell?