Size of baby: She is about 12-16 oz. and around 11 in. long! (about the size of a spaghetti squash:)) WOW!! I can definitely tell I am growing now.
Cravings: Nothing major this week. The smell of burgers being grilled though...oh my...I could smell that all day long! I just love it! In order to get to the gym we go to, sometimes we have to walk past a food hall, and it almost always smell like grilled burgers...yum!
This is so random, but I also love asking people what they ate for a meal or what they are currently eating. It's because I'm so interested in whether or not it's something I want:), and if it is, it leaves happy food thoughts/tastes in my mind...haha!
Aversions: I like bananas, but I bought a peanut butter a few weeks ago with banana in it...the smell and even the taste is just not doing it for me this week. I ate it one day, packed it in my lunch the next few days and haven't touched it since (except to put it back on the shelf:)).
Sleep: Last night I slept so well!! It was wonderful. A couple days this week I got up when Tom left (he gets up between 5 and 5:30 to collect milk for a project at school) to work on a few things, but this morning, I fell soundly back was beautiful!!
Exercise: A few days out of the week, I exercise with one of the grad students in my department. I'm so grateful for this as it is motivation on the days when I'm tired after work or don't feel like putting much into it. A big thank you to my friend!
Clothes: Another pair of capris down. I tried pulling out a pair of capris that were loose prior to pregnancy...was hoping for a miracle. They fit nice except for when I went to clasp them...haha! I would have squished our little girl if I could have gone through with it. Oh well. At least I tried. More room in the closet...
Looking forward to: Going to Indiana/Ohio in 3 weeks! It will just be so wonderful to see everyone...and for them to see our growing baby. Wonder how big I'll be by then!?!
Something fun: This weekend is Tom's 25th birthday and his "1st" Father's Day!! I have lots in store for this big weekend...he keeps trying to get me to give away my secrets...I can't give in! It will be special to celebrate Father's Day this!
Thank you, Lord, for: Someone to take our table. We're starting to clear out our little apartment to make room for Baby Cully. This week, one of our vet school friends came by to pick up our table. Not going to was a bit emotional. It was given to us for free by a veterinarian from the school...our first table together (a bit sentimental), but I am so grateful that we found someone who was looking for one (with super little effort). It's one less thing we have to worry about trying to get rid of. I just hope it blesses her home as it has ours...lots of good memories with friends and family around that table. Isn't it cute? (of course I took a picture!!)
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