Friday, June 28, 2013

Week 24 Pictures...

We've started a pile in our living room to take back to Indiana to store for awhile (thank you, Gramps and Grams Lewton).

These are the cleared shelves that result!

And our book case has more room for baby books/stuff! YAY!

24 weeks!

Skirt/dress combo...wore it as a dress today...nice and roomy!

Week week till we're in the Midwest!

How's momma feeling: I am still feeling well. I feel like I'm getting tired a bit earlier these days (could be because I'm getting up early). Appetite has lessened since the weather has gotten warm, but my fluid intake has increased! Yay for bathroom breaks! Last Sunday in church was difficult. Our church doesn't have air conditioning, so I just tried not to move, to hold my hair up, and to drink water (thankfully, I took some with me). I wore a long skirt, so I tried pulling it up a bit (not too much under the circumstances:)). I think I might just wear my swimsuit this week:), or maybe I'll just wear a shorter outfit, wear my hair up, sit in the back (we were toward the front), and bring MORE water...might be more appropriate than a bathing suit. 
Size of baby:
She's about the size of an ear of corn and has probably gained about 1/4 a lb. since last week, so now she's probably a little over 1 lb. and around a foot long. If I'm remembering correctly, I believe I had a dream last night where she was weighed (in the womb I think), and she was around 9 lb. 5 oz. (the scale kept changing, but I think it went back to a 9 lb. weight) was just a was just a was just a dream?:)
Cravings: Cold stuff or picnic type foods...since it's now warm, things from the oven or stove aren't sounding all that "refreshing".
Aversions: The stuff in our fridge:). I made 3 different things this past weekend for the week and by last night, I didn't want any of them. I just wanted a sandwich:). Thankfully, Tom has dinner four nights a week with the people in the program he's in for 6 weeks this summer and brings home a plate for lunch for himself for the next day. I just ate that instead;)...He was so sweet to share!
Sleep: Sleep has been great this week. I definitely sleep with pillows galore now, and it helps. I switch sides a few times during the night, but it's nothing to mess up my sleep too much. As long as I have all my pillows to put between my legs, to hug on to, and sometimes to put behind my back, I'm great! Along with that good night's rest, I am waking up between 6 and 6:30 a.m. Tom is already up by then since he has already been to get milk from the dairy for school, but I usually feel rested and am ready to start the day. You can get a lot more done when you get up at 6 on the weekends:).
Exercise: I'm grateful I can still balance ok.
Went shopping with my friend this week and didn't get a thing. I'll have to keep looking. I have come to realize that being pregnant I DEFINITELY want my clothes (especially pants) to fit and feel right. I also want things that will fit me when I'm huge:).
Looking forward to: Getting to see friends and family in a week! Woohoo! It will be a quick trip but definitely can't wait! 
Something fun: Tom and I get to meet up with one of our veterinary friends from the Univ. of Wisconsin this weekend. It will be super nice to see him and catch up. He and his family let me stay at his home when Tom and I went to visit the Univ. of Wisconsin (when Tom was looking at schools), and it's been nice to keep in touch since. 
(don't know why this section won't unbold)
FYI: (new section) There seems to be differing opinions on the breakdown of pregnancy by week/month/trimester. I always got confused when pregnant women would say how many weeks they were...I wanted to know months, but now that I'm pregnant, I realize now that the weeks are what you care about (months are the confusing part:)). Here's a simple chart. Most of them seem to lay out pregnancy is this format. Some start with month 0 instead of month 1. When you think about it, since each month is not necessarily 4 weeks, it can get confusing. 

Thank you, Lord, for: Kicks and tumbles...I just love feeling her moving all around, and I love watching her kick! It's so good to know daily that she's in there. I just love it! (no kicks at night...yet:))

Friday, June 21, 2013

23 week pictures!

I went with Tom to collect milk (his summer job) on his birthday!

This is where he fills up the milk containers (at the school's dairy).

This is where he picks up the empty containers for the next day.

Father's Day breakfast burritos...LOADED! (the prenatal vitamins were not included in the burritos:))

22 weeks and 4 days

New skirt from my momma...Thanks, Mom! (We don't normally keep our lamps on the floor, but to the left is the start of our "take to Indiana" pile.:))

23 weeks!!

Gotta get every angle! (actually, just working around the sun!)

23 weeks...17ish to go!

How's momma feeling: Feeling well! I'll have random moments of feeling icky, but it only lasts for a short time. I read something last week that stated that I only have "18 weeks to go"...holy cow...let's NOT look at it that way. Saying "I am such and such weeks" seems a bit more on the encouraging side than "you only have such and such weeks to go". I know that's still a lot of time, but WOW! It just puts it into perspective. I'm sure when I'm farther along, I'll want to say "I only have such as such weeks to go", but we're not to that point quite yet.
Size of baby: About a pound or a little over and more than 11 inches long. She's about the size of a large mango (but way cuter). She can hear sound (woohoo, Zumba!) and is sleeping about 12-14 hours a day. 

Cravings: Ummm...this week it's kind of been chocolate...just a piece here and there to satisfy my sweet tooth or help take the weird taste out of my mouth. YUM! And also...I crave things that we don't have at the house or what is packed in my lunch. I want what other people have or what restaurants have or what I imagine restaurants have. I've held off, but it's hard:). I wonder if people are starting to get creeped out by me asking what they are eating....ha!
Aversions: Nothing major is coming to mind. I still get a "nothingness"/weird taste in my mouth from time to time, and water is still not desirable in the mornings to me, but for the  most part, nothing sets me off (at least not this week). 
Sleep: I've been getting good sleep this week - I get to sleep in until 7! I haven't been exhausted when we've gone to bet, but I've fallen to sleep quickly which is nice. When I'm hot I get a bit fidgety, or when I don't have all the pillows I want, I get a bit fidgety (ha!), but  that's not every night:)...thank goodness!
Exercise: Tom and I usually drive to school/work together, but this week we had to drive separate because of the rotation that Tom is on, so I've had the opportunity to walk to and from work everyday. The walk to work (downhill) is quite nice...still cool in the mornings. The walk from work (uphill) is a bit more work...especially when that sun is shining! I just take it slow if necessary and enjoy the time of thinking, calling/texting people, or praying. 
Clothes: One of my friends and I are going  shopping next week. (we've been planning to forever) I hope to find a pair of shorts and maybe a couple tops for my growing belly. Even some of the clothes I already bought as maternity clothes won't fit for too much longer. I also noticed this week that some of my shirts are not fully going over my tummy...haha! She's definitely growing! 

Got a new skirt from my mom a couple weeks ago! Wore it this week! Love it!! Nice and roomy!! (pictures above)
Looking forward to: A weekend with zero plans! It will be wonderful! We're working on making a pile to take back with us to Indiana to store for the few months we'll still be here until Tom graduates. We have to make room for baby. Hopefully, we can make a really good dent this weekend! 
Something fun:
I felt her!! Last Thursday, I was able to actually realize she was moving around and saw my stomach move...a few times even! It was so special and so beautiful! I got teary-eyed. Since then, I've felt her every day (lots!) which has confirmed that it actually was her. I think I had felt her before this (now that I know what it feels like), but I just didn't realize it at the time. Tom got to see and feel her on Saturday night for the first time. It was such a cool experience! I love watching for her and cherishing those special moments of knowing she's there. 
FYI: (new section) 
We decided about a month ago that we are going to do cloth diapers. Met with friends who gave us tutorials, and we also took a little class on them...we're looking forward to the adventure.
We are working on names, but do not have one at this point. We do plan to keep it a secret though until she is born...we have to maintain some level of the unknown (like there's not enough "unknown" already, Olivia!?).
Thank you, Lord, for: A special "1st" Father's Day (I know everyone has their own opinion of whether your "1st" Father's Day is when the baby is the womb or out of the womb, so putting it in quotes hopefully encompasses all opinions:))! Thank you to all of you who showered Tom with encouragement and blessings on this special day. He loved them, and we had fun reading all your words of wisdom (I had friends and family email me a sentence or two of fatherly encouragement - I was hoping for 25 since it was his 25th birthday, but I received way more - THANK YOU! I put it all together, and he had to guess who had written each one.) We also enjoyed some yummy Father's Day breakfast burritos (picture above) and had a day full of practical and fun things.


Friday, June 14, 2013

22 week pictures...

22 weeks! (Tom is enjoying using his photography expertise)
21 weeks and 6 days! I think these are my new favorite capris!

Our new eating table (which we had the TV sitting on)

I think my husband is getting use to this whole picture taking thing...can you tell?

22 weeks (for some reason I feel like this is a special week, and I think it's because my birthday is on the 22nd?!?!...funny!)

How's momma feeling: I had a pretty good energy level in the evenings is wonderful for the most part. A few nights, I haven't even wanted to go to bed yet because I had more I wanted to get done! Must be getting close to the "superwoman" stage. I still have random moments or days of not feeling well here and there, but it passes.
Size of baby:
She is about 12-16 oz. and around 11 in. long! (about the size of a spaghetti squash:)) WOW!! I can definitely tell I am growing now.
Cravings: Nothing major this week. The smell of burgers being grilled though...oh my...I could smell that all day long! I just love it! In order to get to the gym we go to, sometimes we have to walk past a food hall, and it almost always smell like grilled burgers...yum!
This is so random, but I also love asking people what they ate for a meal or what they are currently eating. It's because I'm so interested in whether or not it's something I want:), and if it is, it leaves happy food thoughts/tastes in my mind...haha!
Aversions: I like bananas, but I bought a peanut butter a few weeks ago with banana in it...the smell and even the taste is just not doing it for me this week. I ate it one day, packed it in my lunch the next few days and haven't touched it since (except to put it back on the shelf:)).
Sleep: Last night I slept so well!! It was wonderful. A couple days this week I got up when Tom left (he gets up between 5 and 5:30 to collect milk for a project at school) to work on a few things, but this morning, I fell soundly back was beautiful!!
Exercise: A few days out of the week, I exercise with one of the grad students in my department. I'm so grateful for this as it is motivation on the days when I'm tired after work or don't feel like putting much into it. A big thank you to my friend! 
Clothes: Another pair of capris down. I tried pulling out a pair of capris that were loose prior to pregnancy...was hoping for a miracle. They fit nice except for when I went to clasp them...haha! I would have squished our little girl if I could have gone through with it. Oh well. At least I tried. More room in the closet...
Looking forward to: Going to Indiana/Ohio in 3 weeks! It will just be so wonderful to see everyone...and for them to see our growing baby. Wonder how big I'll be by then!?!
Something fun:
This weekend is Tom's 25th birthday and his "1st" Father's Day!! I have lots in store for this big weekend...he keeps trying to get me to give away my secrets...I can't give in! It will be special to celebrate Father's Day this!
Thank you, Lord, for: Someone to take our table. We're starting to clear out our little apartment to make room for Baby Cully. This week, one of our vet school friends came by to pick up our table. Not going to was a bit emotional. It was given to us for free by a veterinarian from the school...our first table together (a bit sentimental), but I am so grateful that we found someone who was looking for one (with super little effort). It's one less thing we have to worry about trying to get rid of. I just hope it blesses her home as it has ours...lots of good memories with friends and family around that table. Isn't it cute? (of course I took a picture!!)

Friday, June 7, 2013

Boy or Girl???

Gender Revealing!!


On Tuesday, June 4, 2013 we found out the gender of our first baby! Tom wore a blue shirt, and I wore a pink shirt (didn't plan that at first, but once I was picking out clothes, I thought it would be kind of nerdy cute:)). 

The answer....

We're having a little...GIRL!!!

We both were surprised. I thought it was going to be a boy all along. Tom said that once we were in the ultrasound room, he thought it was going to be a boy too. The technician said "girl", and it caught me off guard at first, but indeed we saw she's a girl! We are truly thrilled!! My mother-in-law was determined that it was a girl, so she got to have a victory dance this week! Haha!

Here are some pictures of our little girl...

Her arms

Lip and nose (in case you can't read the ultrasound notes)

One of our friends made us a celebratory dessert - strawberry cheesecake - for finding out the gender!! It was so so sweet of her, and it was SUPER delicious! We are so blessed to have such wonderful friends!

Isn't it just beautiful?

One happy momma!

Told you it was good!

Pictures from this week...

20 weeks and 5 days!

21 weeks!

21 weeks!!

How's momma feeling: I've felt great this week. At least 8 hours of sleep is still good for me. I wasn't too too tired any particular day this week but once 8 p.m. rolls around, I'm usually just about ready for bed. I feel like this week things changed. I feel pregnant. My stomach feels pregnant. I can tell it's growing! There's always a bump there (whether I'm sitting or lying down or on my size). It's cool! I love it!
Size of baby: She is about 10 oz and a little over 7 inches long! (about the size of a carrot)
Her swallowing reflex is in full swing!
Cravings: A couple days ago, I thought about a crispy chicken sandwich from Wendy's (random, I know), and I now I kind of want one:).
Aversions: Carrots and ranch dressing (not necessarily together) were not sounding all that great this week (even though I have enjoyed both during pregnancy). I still consumed them, but the thought of them was not necessarily appealing. 
Sleep: My dreams during pregnancy have been so weird, interesting, real, random, etc. Sometimes I think I would get a better nights rest if my dreams weren't so crazy. No worries, the 3 regular pillows and 1 body pillow that I sleep with help compensate:)...haha! (P.S. Thank you to my friend for giving me a body pillow. It's so soft and comfy. That was such a blessing!)
Exercise: When I went to the doctor this week, she said Zumba was a good workout for me to do, so this week at Zumba class baby and I rocked it out! It's so much more fun than doing it with a video!
Clothes: I'm trying to utilize my non-pregnancy clothes that still fit while they still fit...I'm curious as to how long that will be. I have a shopping date planned with a friend at the end of this month, so I plan to pick up a pair or so of shorts and maybe a couple tanks...the hot weather is coming; I just know it!
Looking forward to: Girl clothes! They are just so darn cute!
Something fun: Tom and I are going to a parade/carnival this weekend. It will be a fun date!
It's about an hour away, so maybe we can discuss baby names along the drive.
Thank you, Lord, for: A healthy baby girl! The doctor said she is right on target and she couldn't ask for better update! As of Tuesday, her growth was measuring a due date of 10/17, so she is right on! You go girl!! It was so comforting to see her heart beat and watch her move...she's ok! It's just so powerful to see!