Friday, May 24, 2013

19 weeks!! one week and 4 days till we know the gender!

How's momma feeling: I'm still feeling great! So nice not to be wiped by the time we get home. 
Size of baby: Baby should be a little over 7 oz and about 6 inches long. (apparently about the size of an 

heirloom tomato)

Cravings: Bread...mainly rolls of any kind!! (not a new thing for me as I have always loved bread:), but I definitely craved it in particular this week)
Aversions: Still "plain" water. Oh, and the smell of fish was not settling well with me either (I do like fish though).
Sleep: It's getting warmer here, and although I'm still sleeping fine, I'm wondering when the heat is really going to affect sleep (and it might not). Good thing we have fans! I think I started to use pillows a bit more this comfy and fluffy...kind of makes one feel like a princess:).
Exercise: I have been loving the stair stepper at the gym this week...I get to watch my husband play basketball from this spot, AND I get to watch the Food Network on the little tv screen attached to the equipment:). I could be on that thing for hours watching those favorites so far - "Chopped" and "Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives"...ha!!
Clothes: Still wearing lots of non-maternity things (I love dresses/skirts for this reason), but I did notice that the dress I wore yesterday was a little shorter in the front than it was in the back...oh well...I think that kind of style is actually "in" right now anyway:).
Looking forward to: Being at home.
Something fun: One of my co-workers and her husband are having us over tonight for dinner and to talk about baby stuff. She has an almost 5 month old, so they just wanted to have us over to ask questions and for them to share their experience with sweet, right?

Also, we had a great time last weekend in Syracuse, NY looking at baby stuff and eating at the Melting Pot. It was a nice little day trip for us! (see pictures above - note that the chocolate is LOOOONG gone)
Thank you, Lord, for: A great support network, here, there, and everywhere! Our hearts are just so blessed by all of you (and many others). It's amazing how loved we truly feel.

1 comment:

  1. You are right, the style of long dress in the back, shorter in the front IS In....I've been noticing that a lot. Be bold and brave ;) Mart
