Friday, May 1, 2015


Opening Easter baskets from family

We had some friends over to decorate Easter cookies!
Doing a little Easter egg activity
I just found random items around the house that I thought represented parts of the Easter story. She LOVED this activity!

Her Easter basket from some of our dear friends here.
Playing with the necklaces she got from the above basket. 
Easter dinner (the week before Easter) at our friends'...the dog loves hanging around Ruth's high chair:).
Grandma Lewton's egg hunt

Easter package from Grandma and Grandpa Cully!

Easter morning breakfast
Ruth loved this little bunny full of treats from one of our church friends. 

Happy Easter!
Daddy didn't get a chance to get dressed up with us Easter morning for church as he got called out for an emergency during breakfast...such is the life of a veterinarian.
For lunch, we went to our local nursing home that Ruth and I visit and had lunch with them. Tom was able to join us at the very end. It was just something different to do, and we enjoyed it.  I didn't have to spend all day in the kitchen, and we got to show Tom around as he hadn't been there before. 
We had a egg hunt after nap time. 

Ruth got a kite, some bibs, some new summer shoes, and a bathtub coloring toy (she likes to draw). 
In her eggs, she got pretzels, Cheerios, raisins, fruit chews, and 50 cents:). (She received enough candy from friends and family!)
Tom had to go hunting for his Easter treats, too!